Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Discipline or Regret?

It's almost the end of your first 30 day monthly goal.  How are you doing so far?  One observation I have had is it was the hardest the first three days and then each day became easier and easier. I also realized that I couldn't cut all sugar out as that would never work for me. Like everything, it all comes down to balance. I observed an increase in energy and less bloating which were my goals. I plan to have another 30 day goal for the month of February but to continue with this one as well. Take a minute to evaluate how you did this month with YOUR goal.

I heard from several of you about Jim Britt's system of letting go. I hope you have had an opportunity to experience this process first hand and have a new level of understanding of the power letting go can have as well as helping you create a strong and resourceful inner voice.

Jim Rohn is one of my very favorite authors, speaker, and motivator.  I recently read a quote of his which I have heard numerous times but re-reading it recently has made me step back and evaluate where I am in all areas of my life.

“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.”

Relate this quote to your past 30 days. Did you even bother to set a goal in the first place? If you did, how long have you stayed true to your goal? Two days? Maybe a week? Or did you honestly go the entire time? It takes discipline to continue with changing habits and making them a part of a new habit. The dictionary defines discipline as, “training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior. When you have discipline you have self-control.”

I have heard from several of you about the fact you don’t want 2016 to be a carbon copy of 2015. You do want to improve in one if not more areas of your life. FANTASTIC! The big question is, “Are you willing to change? Are you willing to be disciplined? Or will you have the pain of regret again next year?”

Have you had a “wake up call” when it comes to your health? What are you willing to do to get healthier? It takes a commitment to change WITHOUT EXCUSES. Have you had a wakeup call by having to buy larger size pants or your clothes just aren’t feeling comfortable anymore? It takes a commitment to change WITHOUT EXCUSES. Have you had a wakeup call with your finances? You’re tired of always paying off Christmas well into the New Year? It takes a commitment to change WITHOUT EXCUSES. Have you had a wakeup call when it comes to relationships? Maybe it’s your relationship with your spouse/significant other, your children, your parents, a friend, or your employer? It takes a commitment to change WITHOUT EXCUSES.

Once again, according to Jim Rohn, “The ultimate expression of life is not a paycheck. The ultimate expression of life is not a Mercedes. The ultimate expression of life is not a million dollars or a bank account or a home. The ultimate expression of life is living a good life.” Is a nice paycheck, a Mercedes, a nice home, etc. part of a good life? I don’t know, that’s up to each of us as an individual. That begs the question then, “What is a good life for YOU?” What’s a good life physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, health wise, with your relationships, etc? If you aren’t willing to make a change for 30 days, or if aren’t willing to change when you have a wakeup call with your health, what will it take?

Procrastination, denial, excuses, blame, a negative inner voice, the “coulda – shoulda – woulda” mentality will keep you right where you are this January 26, 2016 as you were January 26, 2015.

My hope for each of us is:
·       We make a list of what a “good life” would look like.
·       That list can be revised as things change as our lives change.
·       In our list we include areas of spirituality, finances, health, relationships etc.
·       We ELIMINATE: excuses, procrastination, blame, and looking in the rearview mirror.
·       We pay attention to those wakeup calls.
·       We practice the technique of “letting go.”
·       We live each day “being present.”
·       We practice the power of gratitude each morning and each evening as we go to bed.

The first month of 2016 is only a few days away. Looking back over the past four weeks are you feeling the power of discipline or the pain of regret?  What will you do for the month of February 2016?

I wish you a week of reflection and a chance to create your list of what a good life looks like to you.

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