Tuesday, February 2, 2016

It's Time to Clean the Slate

 The first month of 2016 is now behind you. Last week I asked if you were living the pain of regret or the pain of discipline relative to your goal for the month and/or in other areas of your life. What’s your answer? Did you come up with a list of what you DO want in your life?

It’s now February. Hopefully, you have created one habit of change which you want to continue and now’s the time to have a second goal. What will you do for the month of February 2016? I, personally, plan to use this month for researching new skills on using the internet and social media in order to reach more people with information about Evolv and the HOPE movement. I’ll keep you posted.

Recently, I came across a wonderful video which tied in with my recent topic about regret. A large chalkboard was set up in the middle of New York City for an entire day. Written on the board was, “Write your biggest regrets.” It was amazing to watch the number of people who stopped and wrote something. The board was filled with comments such as; time wasted, not saying yes to things, not taking a risk and pursuing a dream, not applying to med school, not following artistic passion, etc. etc. 


Do you see a common theme? NOT! The key word was NOT. One man commented about time slipping away. It’s never too late to make changes in your life. Do you want 2016 to slip by and you are in the exact same place as you were in 2015? Maybe your goal this next month is to take the word NOT out of your vocabulary. Instead of NOT being a friend your goal now is BE a friend. Instead of NOT having time to plan weekly meals, it becomes PLAN weekly meals. Instead of NOT having time to exercise it becomes EXERCISE three days a week and walk two days. After all, it is a mindset. What we focus on expands according to Jim Rohn. Maybe your February goal is to NOT procrastinate making a decision about something important in your life. Instead you commit to doing whatever it takes to make a decision about something that’s important to you so you can move forward.

The words on the chalkboard in New York City are a microcosm of what we all think about as we move forward with our lives. They were about chances NOT taken, words NOT spoken, dreams NOT pursued. Do you focus on the past and all the NOT’s? Remember you can’t move forward if you’re looking in your rear view mirror. Instead, I would challenge you to do what they did in the video….ERASE the not’s!

Given an “eraser” you can create your own clean slate. Now instead of the NOT’s you can write possibilities. You can clean the slate and pursue those resurfaced dreams and goals. You can clean the slate and start eating healthy. You can clean the slate and forgive the people who have hurt you. You can clean the slate and get help/support with a troubling marriage. You can clean the slate by dealing with a long time conflict or make the decision to let it go. By cleaning the slate, we can now move forward.

EVERY day begins with a clean slate!  Wake up each morning with a word of gratitude that you have one more day on this earth to make a difference in your life and in the lives of those around you. DO the things you’ll regret NOT doing. When people who are on their death bed are asked if they have any regrets, most of the responses come down to things they did NOT do.

The goal for 2016 is to make our lives better than it was in 2015. In order to do that, we need to eliminate the excuses, blame, guilt ...the NOT'S and move into the realm of pursuing change.

It’s NEVER too late to make it happen! This could be your year of being the Best YOU that YOU can Be!

Decide on your February focus. This is your clean slate…

I wish you a week of reflection and time to prioritize what is really important in all areas of your life!

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