Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Life List - Inspiration - Wisdom

Did you decide on your focus for February? 2016 IS going to be THE best year for you to work on being the Best You that YOU can Be!  In order for that to happen, however, action needs to be behind your hopes and dreams.

I was “taking in” some interesting perspectives this past week. First, I was listening to John Maxwell on the latest Success magazine CD. He referenced having a Bucket List but most important having a Life List. Second, also on that same CD, I listened to an interview with Tom Izzo interview where he talked about the difference between inspiration and motivation.  Finally, I reread John Wooden’s book, The Wisdom of Wooden – Mr. Century On and Off the Court. 

It struck me that the common theme coming from three very different individual perspectives was much the same. Jon Maxwell is a well-known author, motivational speaker, teacher, and mentor of adults around the world.Tom Izzo is a successful men’s basketball coach, teacher, mentor, and motivator of young men at Michigan State University. Finally, John Wooden, who passed away at age 100 in 2010, has “been hailed by many as the greatest coach in the history of American sports, but also as famous for his personal philosophy. If you have had children playing basketball, or other sports, you have probably seen the Pyramid of Success which is from John Wooden.

What are the common themes? I would suggest there are three: (1) be true to yourself, (2) inspiration comes from within, and (3) make each day count.
John Maxwell talks about a Bucket List which are all the things we want to do before we die. A Life List, however, guides our focus on what we do each and every day of our lives. John Wooden received a 3 X 5 note card from his father entitled, “7 Suggestions to Follow” which Wooden later came to call this gift the “7 Point Creed.” These guide his focus on a daily basis. Tom Izzo referenced needing daily inspiration – something that is personal, comes from within, and will last far longer.

We’ve all gone to a sporting event, a conference, taken a class, heard something on the radio/TV, read an article – all are motivational. For a period of time, we’re “in the moment,” excited, ready to “conquer the world,”  we’re ready to play the game of our lives, we’re anxious to get to the gym for that new body, we have a goal to cut out sugary drinks etc. etc. Motivation is exactly what we need to take the first step.

What happens, however, when the opposing team is bigger and stronger? Do we rely on the coach’s pregame motivational speech? Yes, to some extent, but we also have to rely on our own personal inspiration. Intrinsically, you begin to talk to yourself, “I know I had a great week of practice, I know what to do. I believe all my off season training will make a difference, I have been in watching film, taking the suggestions from my coaches etc. so YES, I CAN do this. INSPIRATION has now taken hold.

I was motivated to start saying 10 gratitudes each day by something I read from Jim Rohn, and now it’s a daily habit. It’s one of my Life List necessities; it’s one of the things on my list that help me make each day a masterpiece. INSPIRATION has now taken hold.

What motivated you in January to set a goal? Did it become a habit and now you’re excited by your results insuring that you’ll continue for another month? INSPIRATION has now taken hold.

What about that class on leadership? It was motivational to hear new ideas of how to handle conflicts at work. Now you find yourself in a challenging situation with a colleague and you pull on the resources and strategies you just learned. WOW! You experienced a positive result from the way you handled the conflict, and it worked for other situations as well.  INSPIRATION has now taken hold.

When you personalize your learning in the form of a Life List as John Maxwell suggests, or you experience learning turning from motivation to being internally inspired as suggested by Tom Izzo, or you have a 7 Point Creed as John Wooden describes, the key is YOU! YOU are taking control, YOU are taking action, and first and foremost YOU are making a difference in your own life.

“Greatness can be attained by each of us when we make our finest effort to become the best we are capable of becoming,” according to John Wooden. He continues, “God didn’t make us all equal in ability; we’re not equal as far as size or appearance. We don’t all have the same advantages as others, BUT we are all equal as far as having the same opportunity to make the most of what we have – whatever that may be. When you give yourself fully to that effort whatever your circumstances or situation – good bad, or otherwise – you have done all you can do.”

Jesse Owens said, “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort.” Now frame this with a Life List or a personal creed to guide you in creating your daily masterpiece. Inspiration comes from within!

I wish you a week filled with inspiration, and a time to create your own Life List in order to make each day a masterpiece. 

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