Sunday, February 23, 2014

YOUR Health and Wellness - How's That Going For YOU?

I recently purchased the book The Dr's Diet by Dr. Travis Stork who is the host of the Emmy award-winning show, The Doctors.  He's also very cute.  :)

As I've been focusing on inflammation these past few blogs, I came across more information from Dr. Travis.  "On one hand, inflammation is an amazing biological response that we couldn't survive without.  It's our immune system's response to danger...our body 'turns up the heat' in an effort to protect us from this invasion." 

"On the other hand, when there's too much inflammation, it can damage healthy cells as well as invaders.  The excessive inflammation goes too far, harming the cells and tissues it's suppose to be helping."  As I mentioned earlier, "there's a wide range of diseases including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer's - pretty much all the major killers in our society. Genetic factors may also play a part."

In this particular book, there is a focus on weight management and eating right.  I've read may other books as well, but this one resonates with me much more than some of the others.  I like practical, easy, sensible, and guilt free.  The health information is presented in an easy to understand way with every day life examples and comparisons. There is information in the beginning and then easy, quick recipe for meals.  I would highly recommend reading this book if you are interested in either losing weight, restoring your health, and/or good solid information about your health.

"By improving your diet and losing excess fat, you can turn the heat down on inflammation.  In doing so, you lower your risk for developing the many diseases associated with chronic inflammation - the very diseases that so often cause premature death and disability."

So, now comes the real "meat."  In order to change something in your life, YOU have to change.  Not earth shattering news but REAL!

My goal in these blogs is to give you "food for thought" and hopefully help some of you make a lifetime change and commitment.  I want to Help People Evolv in all areas of their lives. 

Have a great week!

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