Sunday, February 16, 2014

Chronic Inflammation = Imbalanced Immune System

What I have learned to understand is the root of chronic inflammation is an imbalanced immune system.  As I've said, we need a healthy balance of inflammation to stay healthy.  But if your body is constantly on the defensive, it makes sense that your overall health would be compromised. 

First of all, inflammation takes a lot of your body’s energy and resources.”  When I was in crises, I was always exhausted.  It didn't matter how much sleep I would get, I was always tired.  My entire body was working overtime and emotionally I was having a difficult time not only dealing with the pain, but my expectations of what I “should” be doing.

But…we CAN take action right away and we CAN take control of our bodies.  First and foremost I learned to “listen” to what my body wanted. For me, it was greens, fruits, and vegetables.  After eating a particular food, full meal etc. how do you feel an hour after you've eaten?  If there’s more pain, avoid that food for the time being.  My experience when I was in crisis was that dairy, mostly milk, and cheese were triggers. 

I soon realized I needed to keep a journal as I couldn't remember everything, and then I could also watch for patterns.  Remember...I said that in an earlier post.  I began tracking things like: the time of day, the amount, how often, as well as a particular combination of foods.

Second, when I was in crisis, I had to get rid of my “To Do” list.  I was use to making a list and not quitting for the day until it was all crossed off.  NOT!!!  Part of getting rid of the list was to reduce the stress of “all that had to be done.”  The other part of getting rid of the list was again to learn to listen to my body.  How long could I go without needing to take a break?  As a married female, with two children, and working full time, I had to realize that I had to focus on MY needs.  I wasn't much help to my husband or my children if I didn't take care of me. 

I’m a firm believer that we are all given challenges in our lives for a reason.  The difference between us is who is listening and doing something different OR who’s pointing a finger, blaming, having a constant pity party?  You know what I mean.  That is not to say I didn't go through the “why me” stage or felt sorry for myself.   The key, however, is how long do you stay in the pity party?  Take ACTION! 

Is it disturbing to learn that chronic inflammation is the root of nearly every modern disease on the rise today.  The good news is, however, we can choose each day to make good choices that will limit the “fuel to the fire” and reduce our chances of having the disease in the first place or, in my case, to conquer the inflammation, pain, and swelling, so I can now lead a fully functioning life.  The more I learn about the human body, the more convinced I am that “we have all the natural tools needed to maintain a healthful balance in our systems.” (Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP) Today is the day to begin leading a healthy and productive life no matter how old you are!!

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