Saturday, February 1, 2014


It's February 1st, 2014.  I was reminded last night that I haven't been as consistent posting on FB etc. than I have been in the past.  Note to self...consistency is key!!

Therefore, I am starting fresh, no regrets, just looking forward to all that is in store for me during this coming year in ALL areas of my life: emotional, spiritual, physical, financial, and general well being.  

Now at age 62, this journey called "life" has taken me through many ups and downs but now it's all making sense.  I feel I do have a few things/experiences to share, and I hope I can touch your life in some small way.  I look forward to reading your comments, experiences, and thoughts as well.

I will only be posting once a week, consistently, and occasionally more often as things come up.  To begin, you may want to read my past blogs, if you haven't already, to catch you up.

Wishing you a safe, warm, and healthy first day of a new month.

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