Thursday, February 6, 2014

Lack Energy? Stressed Out? Aches and Pains?

2014 is my year to Help Other People Evolv something in their life whether it be to: reduce stress, find more energy, maintain and/or lose weight, become stronger in their self image, and those who are really committed to paying attention and focusing on their personal health and wellness.

As a quick background, Jon and I have always wanted to make a difference in people’s lives as we did in our jobs before retirement.  In the past 7-8 years, we have come across great companies with incredible leadership/training but the product wasn't right for us, then we found a great product but the ownership didn't have integrity and the training wasn't there.  In January 2013, we went to Dallas with Rick Parros, former Denver Bronco and incredible leader and friend.  There we were introduced to Trey White, Brent Hicks, Dr. Anne Smith, and the company EVOLV. 

Originally, I told Rick we would go and listen, but I was not interested in getting involved with a health and wellness company as they were a “dime a dozen.”  Since we have focused on our own health and wellness for many years, people come to us all the time with their products that are “wonderful and will change our lives.”  We tried many of them, partially because these were friends who recommended these products, but nothing really made a difference.  Hence my hesitation to get involved with something new.  However, I did promise Rick we would listen and have an open mind.

After hearing about their mission statement that included Helping Other People Evolve in all areas of their lives, hearing how the company gives back, as well as observing, listening, and believing in the integrity of Trey, Brent, Dr. Anne and the entire team I began lowering my guard and listening more intently.   We were educated on the science behind the products by Dr. Anne.  Products that no one else has and are proprietary to EVOLV. The company focuses on true health, wellness, and for some wealth, and there was transparency with everything from the physical structure of the offices to the documentation and science behind the products.  Time and again there was evidence that this EVOLV company was walking their talk. My skepticism vanished and excitement grew.

Fast forward a year later.  Not only have we consistently used products like the Limitless for inflammation, Activate for energy, shakes for a meal replacement, Thin for an energy/meal suppressant and others, but we have asked others to try samples.  Stories of no longer having migraines, allergies less severe, our pregnant and now nursing working mom with two children daughter having more energy, Jon lowering his cholesterol medicine level, taking pain away from an aching shoulder for my 86 year old mom, a friend no longer in pain with fibromyalgia, and a testimonial from our 21 year old nephew about reducing his recovering time from a ½ Ironman competition are just a few of the results people are having with these products.  Even our chiropractor/kinesiologist who has done in depth research and investigated the Limitless product now gives trial samples to patients where it would be helpful.

What has truly now become my personal mission and focus is to pay attention to what people are saying about their health, asking questions, and only if it’s appropriate giving out samples for people to try.  Any age (we have customers from 15-86), male/female, athletes or not, people just needing more energy, those in pain, or wanting to lose weight are all people who can benefit from these products.  Jon and I can attest to our own results.

After having my own health challenges with rheumatoid arthritis, watching my sister-in-law surviving an almost fatal stroke, talking to my niece who’s the doctor and can have 3-4 migraines a week if she’s not on medication are all reasons for me to at least let them try the EVOLV products.  If I can make a difference in people’s health and wellness including my own family, then that is my WHY.

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