Monday, March 3, 2014


I’m diverting slightly from my previous blogs.  There’s physical health and wellness and there’s also emotional health and wellness.  I spent an incredible weekend at a convention entitled Unstoppable.  Words like authentic, integrity, optimism, loyalty, respect, admiration, and trust were woven throughout the two days. Health information, great camaraderie, learning, probing questions, and reflection.  It was uplifting and exhilarating being surrounded by such positive energy.

Most of us have heard the quote, “If you want something to change, YOU have to change?”  The only person you have control of is YOU. Working on oneself is where it all begins.  What are YOU doing on a daily basis to learn and grow?  What are YOU doing to be the best YOU that YOU can be? 

But then how often do we get side tracked?  Someone else has a different idea of what we should be doing, others don’t approve and are insistent that they know what’s best for us, or we find those little negative voices popping up.  Now instead of moving toward that change, that dream, we’re going down a road that wasn’t our choice. 

UnstoppableDream – You can’t do that – I don’t dream any more

I listened to a program this morning that seems to put much of these two contrasting mindsets into a framework.  “You are not damaged goods.”  Joel Osteen painted a picture of the “damaged goods” in the grocery store.  These are the dented cans, the torn packaging, the smeared print etc.  These are off in a bin by themselves and are sold at a much lower price.  The focus is on what’s wrong, the mistakes. However, if you open that can, that package, the contents are still good. There’s nothing wrong with what’s inside.   What’s damaged on the outside is not damaged on the inside.  We are all full of potential, goodness, creativity, talents etc. etc.  But, are you wearing the “damaged label?”  “You may have lost, but you’re NOT a loser.  You may have had a negative past, but you don’t have to have a negative future.  As long as you feel less than, inferior – you won’t see your greatness.” 
Turn a MESS into a MESSAGE.
A TEST into a TESTimoy.
A TRIAL into a TRIumph.
A VICTim into a VICTORY.

I wish YOU to be UNSTOPPABLE!!

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