Tuesday, January 31, 2017

True Conversations

My challenge to you last week was to take an inventory of your life and then also come up with your own list of “stop doing” and “start doing.” Was this something that you did? What did you learn? If you didn’t do this, I would continue to urge you to do this as it will make a difference.

I spent this past weekend in Phoenix at a Momentum event for my company. It was an entire two days filled with inspiration, learning, tears from some of the personal stories shared, a tremendous pride for the giving back part of this company’s culture, and meeting people from all across the country. 

I think, however, THE deepest impact this weekend had on me was watching the people. I watched and participated in true conversations.  These conversations were face to face with eye contact, heartfelt listening to stories of other people’s lives, and their hopes and dreams. There were 14,000 people from across this country; baby boomers, Generation X, and millennials, blacks, whites, Hispanics, and people from a variety of economic backgrounds. Texting and cell phones were put away and total attention was given to being present.

During the lunch break with a friend, a young man came over and asked to join us. This black, 22 year old young man from New Jersey was also a part of the conference. It was an amazing 40 minute discussion between two Baby Boomers and a millennial; learning about and from one another, asking questions, sharing personal development book titles, and leaving with each other’s phone numbers. Once again, true conversation with no interruption of technology.

The message from the top people in the Corporation; the top income earners, and from each designated speaker was a common theme about the community which this company has created in 11 years. They shared skills which are not only good for business; but they were also all about helping each person to tap into their inner potential in all areas of their life. This company has a culture of positive people moving in a positive direction with a heartfelt desire to change lives.

Grabbing something to eat late one night and waiting for my to go order, I was watching the people in the restaurant. The only voices you heard were those of the employees taking orders and talking with one another. Sadly, there was a Dad with his son who looked maybe 9 or 10, and Dad was reading from his phone THE entire time. There was NO conversation going on between these two. How sad and what a missed opportunity. Two teenage boys, each with their cell phone, were busy texting. There was NO conversation. How sad and what a missed opportunity. A mom and her daughter were “doing their own thing.” The daughter had an iPad playing a game, and Mom was texting. How sad and what a missed opportunity. A direct contrast of what I had experienced all day.

My flight home didn’t land in Denver until 11:30 at night and it was closer to 12:30 am before we got home. I was still living in that bubble of people respecting one another, people truly relating to one another on a personal level, in an atmosphere that we may all be different in so many ways, but we are all human beings wanting to make a difference in our own lives as well as the lives of our family and friends.

It didn’t take long to realize I had “missed” all that was happening in the “outside world,” and I am glad I missed it! What I have come away with is that there are great things happening; there are people who are having true conversations, there are people of all ages sharing their lives, their hopes and dreams with one another, and there are people who are having respectful disagreements.

This past weekend, I didn’t hear off color language, I didn’t hear people denigrating someone else, I didn’t witness disrespectful behavior. On the contrary, I witnessed people with differing viewpoints having a true conversation with respect and dignity. What I did hear were a lot of thank you’s, I saw people smiling, I witnessed people sharing information even though they were on a different team, and people going out of their way to help even if it was just giving directions.

There are a lot of people making a difference in so many lives throughout our country. It’s the young athlete who cried when he was offered a scholarship to play football which meant he would get a college education. It’s the teacher who drove her student to be able to attend a recruiting meeting which had the potential to change the student’s life and future. It’s the young man working at the Safeway grocery store as a clerk, but has been recognized by management as someone who deserves to move into the management program and is now on a path of training.

I came away from this weekend with a mind full, a heart full, and with an affirmation that I will focus on the positive actions in my control. I will take a more conscious effort to stay away from toxic people, toxic environments, and whatever distractions taking me away from my purpose to help and serve others.

It’s easy to get caught up in all the toxic, negative media and other sources of social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc. I spent a weekend in a totally different environment.  Those two days raised my awareness level of how easy it is to get caught up in the negative. I have a much clearer picture of what is in my control and where I want to put my energy. 

I wish you a week of putting your phone down and taking time for true conversations with your spouse/significant other, your children, your co-workers, your friends etc. Don’t miss those opportunities for connection. BE PRESENT.  

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