Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Chase the Lion

I hope you were able to have a week of reflection and continued with a mindset of “got to” vs “have to.”

This past week I “got to” take quiet time to read a book that is probably THE most life changing book I think I’ve read in a very long time, Chase the Lion, by Mark Batterson. Maybe it’s because this book was recommended by my mentor who I highly respect. Maybe it’s because I’m looking to move ahead in my business without excuses. Maybe it’s because I made a personal commitment to reading with purpose and completing the tasks suggested in the book. Yes, timing is everything, and I was ready.

At the very beginning there is a “Lion Chaser’s Manifesto.” It is a list of about 15 powerful ideas, and I have committed to myself to read the Manifesto each day for the next 30 days. A couple of these include:

“Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death.”
“Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.” 
“Face your fears. Fight for your dreams.”
“Dare to fail. Dare to be different.”

As an understanding where I’m coming from, I am and have always been a faith based person vs. a religious person. This book has allowed me to learn and grow in so many different ways and at the same time validate me for who I am.

Early on in the book, there was a discussion about discovering one’s destiny by studying one’s history. “Seeds of dreams are often buried in memories.” Interesting. “Big, small, good, or bad, there are a handful of experiences which influence the way we see ourselves, the way we see life. It’s not until we inventory our inciting incidents that we begin to see why we do what we do.”

How many times have you read a book, read past those key “to do” steps, and didn’t get the full benefit from the book? That would be me on most occasions. However, this time was different. I decided it was time to take an inventory. I dedicated a couple hours and just started writing a list of as many events I could remember from when I was little until now. I recorded the good and the bad, some of the feelings I remember, and four pages later I began to see a common theme. For me, I have been able to understand why I react the way I do in certain situations, I realize why I have had challenges to move forward, as well as a variety of other observations. POWERFUL!

I know when you’re working full time and juggling many other aspects of your life it seems pretty far-fetched to think you could find a couple hours to sit in a quiet place to do your inventory. Instead of thinking you can’t do this, what about changing your mindset to…I “get to” sit down and do my inventory? It might only be 20 minutes here and 20 minutes there. I will say once I started, my thoughts kept coming and it was easy to continue.
I can attest to the fact that by doing the inventory, I have a much clearer picture as to my strengths and why I have had difficulty in certain situations. Each ah ha moment from the inventory is allowing me to move to the next level in my dreams and goals. POWERFUL!

“If you want God to do something new you can’t keep doing the same old thing.
What do you need to stop doing today?
What do you need to start doing today?”

Making this list was the next step after my inventory. It was quick. I knew right away what I needed to stop doing and what I needed to start doing. WRITE THEM DOWN. If it’s not written down, you haven’t made a commitment through action…it’s only a wish. POWERFUL!

I would venture to guess that each of us has something we want to change, improve on, do differently etc. in at least one area of our life. It’s still only January of this New Year. Do you want to make 2017 different?  “Until the pain of staying the same becomes more acute than the pain of change, nothing happens.” We maintain status quo. We convince ourselves that playing it safe is safe. But the greatest risk is taking no risks at all.”

You’ll never be ready for some of the changes in your life. The issue, however, isn’t about readiness; it’s about willingness. Think about that. What have you done in your life that you questioned whether you were ready or something was the right time…but you did it anyway?  You were willing

I would challenge you to take an inventory of your life and then come up with your own list of “stop doing” and “start doing.” I can guarantee that these will be powerful and life changing for you in many ways. What a gift to give yourself to begin this New Year.  

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