Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017 Can Be THE Best Ever

It’s 2017! Another chance to make changes in your life and continue with what is working.

I have taken the past several weeks “off” in order to retool and get myself into a more encouraging and positive mindset. With the New Year beginning, I am not about resolutions; however, I am all about making this year, 2017, better than 2016.

The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome. That means the dreaded word “change” must to be a part of the solution. How committed are you to making 2017 a better year than last year? Are you willing to make changes to live the life you have always wanted? Are you willing to focus on gratitude’s versus all that is NOT going your way? Are you willing to TOTALLY avoid ANY BCD? (Blaming, complaining, and defending)

If you can answer YES to all the above questions the final question is, “How LONG are you willing to follow through with the changes?” That is THE number one question.
Right now we are all about getting into the gym, working off that extra weight gained during the holidays, and committing to getting in shape. Ask any fitness center owner, and they’ll tell you this focus and commitment lasts anywhere from 4-6 weeks and then the numbers drop off once again. Once the Christmas credit card bills start coming in, many will make the commitment to not overspend next year, or this next year they plan to set up a Christmas savings fund. Another wish but not followed through with any action.

When you’re back into your daily routine and the calendar is filled with all the meetings; kids’ activities, a busy time at work, and all the unexpected demands on your time, will your desire to make 2017 different be focused on why you CAN make changes or will you succumb to the BCD excuses?

I would assume the majority of people sitting down and realizing that it is now January 2017 have said something to the effect …Where did this year go?... The days are flying by…I can’t believe how quickly everything goes by these days. True? AND those were probably the same words you said at the end of 2016. Correct?

What were you promising yourself last year at this time? Did you follow through on anything? Maybe you were able to make a few changes and there are more things you want to do. Fantastic! If you can actually experience these changes so there’s less stress in your life, CONGRATULATIONS! If not, I would ask you if you’re willing to continue to make excuses and spend another year without anything being different?

There is ONLY the PRESENT!!! Do you find your day being spent on BCD about what happened last year? Guess what…that will NEVER make changes in your life as those days are gone forever. Did you get bigger, stronger, and faster for your sports team, did you do whatever it took to get that done? If you wanted to be more fiscally responsible, did you read books to give you suggestions on how to do that AND then did you follow through with specific ACTIONS? Did you want to change a relationship with a spouse, friend, family member? How did that work out for you? What did YOU do to make that happen, because as you well know, the only person you can change is YOU?

If you are truly living in the PRESENT then you will NOT be deterred by the negativity of a colleague, someone on Facebook saying nasty things, or a jealous friend/family member trying to sabotage your dreams and goals. You may experience a day or two feeling “down,” and you may ask yourself questions as to what you are doing. That’s called normal. BUT the person true to himself/herself and true to their passions and personal focus to be better each and every day will recognize that the jealousy, the people who really don’t know you, or the people who are just toxic no matter what the situation are there as blockers. They are NOT there for YOUR best interest.

I am personally a believer that God puts these people and the negative situations into your path for a reason.  HE wants to see if you’re willing to do whatever it takes to break through these walls, or you use them as another excuse to give up and wallow in BCD!
Is the person looking back at you in the mirror the person you respect, the person you’re proud of, the person who is moving forward because of a belief that he/she is in control of their own life? Are you a role model for what you want your spouse/significant other, children, grandchildren, colleagues etc. to do and follow in your shoes?

Do you find yourself saying things like; next time, next year, I can’t now but I will later, I’m too busy now, but I will once I get through this project, I’ll skip weight lifting over the holidays and get back into it after the holidays, I’ll eat whatever I want now, but I’ll start on my diet after the holidays, I tried those dating sites before but didn’t have any luck, so I’m not doing that again, etc. etc. 

You do realize that anytime there is a “but” in the conversation, then whatever is said before that is negated. You do realize that when you use the negative past situations to determine your actions for your future, you are using another excuse as to why you don’t do something versus why you need to continue until you get what you’re striving for. Your future has NOT happened yet. There is only the PRESENT. DO NOT allow the past or your fear of the future to determine where you want your life to be at the end of 2017.

I want to encourage you to take a good look at what 2017 will look like for you on December 31, 2017. Work backwards to determine what you need to do each and every day to make that “picture” come true.

ELIMINATE the excuses; the blaming! That means eliminate ANY rationale as to why something cannot happen. I’m too old to find the love of my life, I’ve always been disorganized so there’s no hope, my spouse/significant other is dysfunctional and I can’t change that, I’ve never been good with money, I’m too old to change.

ELIMINATE the excuses; complaining! I don’t have a job where I can meet anyone new, I don’t have the space in my house to get organized, I don’t feel valued by my spouse/significant other, I’m not paid enough and have so much debt at the end of the month, my life has flown by and I can’t do all that I want to do.

ELIMINATE the excuses; the defending! My coach is too tough on me, he doesn’t see how hard I’m working so why should I do what he says? My boss favors everyone but me so why should I work so hard? I’m too old, “fat,” “not good looking,” etc. to change my ways so why should I try to find someone special now? I’ve tried all different ways to budget my money and nothing works so I’ve quit trying. I’m too old to change now so why should I?

People who are moving forward in their lives have:
*a positive mindset
*they’re able to maintain a broader perspective and see the big picture
*they’re far more SOLUTION oriented versus focusing on problems
*they catch themselves every time they use B,C,D and flip around to a positive mindset followed by ACTION

I wish you a week of reflection on what you want to have happen in 2017! Make a monthly ACTION PLAN to make those things happen DAILY!

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