Friday, October 28, 2016

In My Humble Opinion

I found this past week to be an exercise in fact finding and trying to ask questions of those who are strong Hillary supporters. What I have come up against, however, is more name calling and questions about how any educated woman support Trump.

I have yet to have anyone explain to me how they justify all the lies, the corruption, and the collusion with the Clintons, their Foundation, the FBI, and the DOJ. Hillary herself deflects any email questions to the fact that the “Russians have hacked” into the servers and are trying to effect the outcome of the election. To the time of this writing, I have NOT heard ANYONE from the Hillary camp deny the content of the emails. Clinton also tries to deflect the WikiLeak emails by stating that, “Trump encouraged espionage against our people.” LIE. Trump did no such thing. What he did do is “call” for the Russians to release emails that he assumed they already had, a distinction that obviously Hillary wanted to ignore.

So what about the Russians? According to The Daily Caller on Sept. 1, 2016, “the Podesta Group is the brain child of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta. While he allegedly hasn’t participated in the firm’s lobbying efforts for years now, his brother Tony Podesta is acting chairman.”

“Tony Podesta receives $140,000 a month from the Saudi government, as The Daily Caller previously reported. According to a government filing, Tony Podesta personally manages the Saudi account for the firm. He is also a top contributor to the Clinton campaign and is responsible for bringing in big donors for Hillary…..The Podesta Group managed a second Russian account, i.e. Uranium One, a Russian atomic energy company that secured oil rights in Kazakhstan and the United States through direct collaboration with the Clintons. The Russian company funneled tens of millions to the Clinton Foundation and in return received legitimate government benefits. Uranium One paid the Podesta Group some “$40,000 to lobby the State Department, the Senate, the National Park Service, and the National Security Council,” for mining rights,” the Daily Caller reports. That’s where Russia comes into play, Hillary.

I am from a generation that believes that honesty is the bedrock of character traits that we must all aspire to master. Please help me understand the evidence of LIES throughout Hillary’s 30 years; seven documented LIES during the third debate alone, and yet people turn their heads and ignore the facts. 

Just in relationship to the Clinton Foundation, not even the 33,000 missing emails, Hillary stated, on the debate stage, that the Foundation pays out 90% to their charities. That’s a blatant LIE. They give out 15%!!  The leading independent groups that track charities – Charity Navigator – “has been flummoxed about how to analyze the foundation and has stopped rating it, at least for now.” When most people in the “charity world” think of foundations, they think of organizations that give away a lot of money in the form of grants to others who go out and do good works 

The Clinton Foundation, however, works differently – it keeps its money in house and hires staff to carry out its own humanitarian programs.

“Between 2009 and 2012, the Clinton Foundation raised over $500 million dollars according to a review of IRS documents. 15% of that, $75 million, went towards programmatic grants. More than $25 million went to fund travel expenses. Nearly $110 million went toward employee salaries and benefits, and a whopping $290 million during that period – nearly 60% of all money raised – was classified merely as “other expenses.’” Really?  Oh, and by the way, Hillary who is supposed to be the “champion for women” seems to be ok with the fact that women who work in the Clinton Foundation are paid an average of $4,000 LESS than the men. Isn’t that “interesting?”

The conflict between Hillary as secretary of state and the Clinton Foundation is a continuous stream of pay-to-play examples. It’s “interesting” that Qatar pledged to donate $1 million dollars to her foundation in 2012 despite her sworn promise NOT to accept donations from foreign governments after she became secretary of state. The memo, made public by the anti-secrecy group. WikiLeaks, laid out an aggressive strategy behind “lining up consulting contract and paid speaking engagements for Bill Clinton that added tens of millions of dollars to the family’s fortune, including and during the years that Hillary led the State Department.”

Bill Clinton Inc. Have you heard this one? It yielded more than $30 million dollars for him personally, with $66 million to be paid out over the next nine years. Doug Band, Nov. 11, 2011. Doesn’t this reinforce the continual pay-to-play focus of the Clintons? Hillary isn’t even promising to shut this down. Is she the best person to be the Commander in Chief?

Reince Priebus, RNC Chairman, states about the “Bill Clinton Inc” memo, “This memo is the smoking gun for how the Clintons used their Foundation to create a massive for-profit  paid speaking and consulting business to enrich themselves.”

How does even some of this not give people pause for reflection as to what is happening? In Clinton’s own words, “We were dead broke and even had debt when we left the White House,” yet they are worth over ¾ of a BILLION dollars today? Guess we know now where they’re getting their money. How do you justify her lies and corruption?

How is Hillary going to help this country get back on its feet when she only knows how to take money from other country’s for her personal benefit? I’m still waiting to hear what Hillary plans to do to help this country. She is spending a great deal of time accusing Trump of his lack of respect for women and slam dunking him as a person. She doesn’t want to talk about emails, Benghazi, and how she has made money from Saudi Arabia, which is a large donor. That country believes that any children born are the property of the father. That’s the country paying Hillary for special favors.

The conversations I’ve had reflect that the Hillary supporters see no media bias. However, it is documented that 96% of the news media contributes to Hillary and her campaign. The negativity, the comments taken out of context, and the lack of overall coverage is blatantly biased, in my opinion. 23 minutes of negativity of Trump and less than one minute TOTAL for the WikiLeaks emails? That’s not bias?

How do you justify Mark Liebovich from the New York Times magazine in the summer of 2015 gave Clinton VETO power over quotes in exchange for access for a long profile that would run later. Donna Brazile, former CNN commentator and now Chairperson of the DNC has been caught with emails revealing that she tipped off the Clinton campaign to a question Hillary would get at an upcoming town hall during the primaries. Hmm…Bernie didn’t get any heads up. Watch the exchange between Donna and Megyn Kelly last week. It’s an interesting exchange.

Are you in favor of having the government decide your health care? Are you in favor of socialized medicine? You do realize that is what Hillary is advocating. Obama told the American people and Congress that we would “all be able to keep our own doctors as individuals and businesses, our premiums were going to be reduced, our deductibles would be reduced, our medicine costs would be reduced and that a family of four will get $2500 back. NONE of that has happened.

The reality is that, as consumers, the choices have slimmed since several major insurers, including UnitedHealth Group Inc., and Aetna Inc., pulled out of Obamacare in most states. It actually states in the 600+ pages of the Obamacare that it is illegal to sell low cost insurance! The 25% average increases for 2017 are affecting so many American families. Arizona is seeing a 116% increase, Minnesota 50%, and the list goes on and on. It has also been documented that a family of four will have a minimum of a $14,000 deductible.

Right now young people would rather pay the penalty of not having insurance rather than pay for below average health care. Hillary’s plan is to increase the number of young people. How is she going to do that? Her plan is to increase the penalty to the point that the young people have no choice but to sign up. Do you support that? “Younger, healthier participants are needed to take part in the Obamacare to offset the cost of covering sicker, older people.”

Have you talked with YOUR doctor lately? Doctors, who are speaking out, are frustrated with the current system. They use to be reimbursed 90%+ for their services. It is now 72%! This is forcing many doctors to not take some patients. Doctors will tell you they have to go through LISTS to find an approved lab, an approved specialist etc. and it’s taking a tremendous amount of time. Many believe that we have low quality insurance, and we don’t have access to the best care because of Obamacare. A physician’s greatest complaint is less time with patients, more paper work, and more blocks for doctors to give the best health care to their patients.

Let me be perfectly clear. Donald Trump is not perfect. He had no reason to have entered into this chaotic race that has focused on character assassination, media bias, being portrayed as some kind of mad man and dangerous. Most of all, however, it is my opinion that this man truly loves this country. He does have a plan if you take the time to listen and learn.

I cannot get past all the LIES of Hillary and her campaign. I cannot get past the corruption of the FBI, the collusion between the Clinton’s, their Foundation, the DOJ, and the State Department. I struggle with the fact that 55% of the people who have access to Hillary are big time donors and Wall Street supporters. The rule of law has been thrown out the window when it comes to the Clintons. This is the largest scandal in the history of the US. Watergate looks like a joke compared to Hillary.

If you have read this blog so far, thank you. I don’t expect all of you agree with me. I would hope, however, you have learned something that you may not have known before. If you are truly wanting to learn specifics about what Trump stands for you can go to his contract that he has written to the American people.

As a final note, I am of the mindset that it’s better to teach people how to fish than to give people fish. Hillary wants to give everything away which means the government is control of all aspects of our lives. Trump’s plan is to teach people how to take control of their own lives with some bridges in place to help with transitions when necessary.

I don’t plan to write any more about this election and may need to take time off from my blogs. I wish you a safe and fun Halloween. We have the privilege of being able to vote. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to vote on November 8th.

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