Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Got To's

Last week I wished you a week of Positive Energy with an emphasis on all that you “get to” do in order to move forward in 2017 Being the Best You that You Can Be! How did you do? A different mindset is definitely going to help you move forward.

This past week, Jon and I got to spend six days with two of our grandchildren; Bria, 7, and Zane,     3 ½, as Elsa and Garet were able to take advantage of a trip to Costa Rica planned by Garet’s company. It was definitely a new routine for us, and it brought back those memories of years ago  when we were trying to both work full time and raise a family. Bria and Zane did a great job with very few issues.

During our week, we got to work on some projects that Elsa has little extra time to do and when she does these projects are not at the top of the list. We got to go through all the clothes for both kids weeding out the too small sizes and putting the right size in their drawers. Now there are many wonderful things to pass along to another family.

We got to go through ALL their toys and books. I must say, that was definitely a job. Puzzles now have all their pieces and games now have all the cards. Jon got to get everything put into the right size tub, and Bria made cards labeling each bin. She was sweet as she decided she needed to draw pictures as well as the words so her brother could “read” what went where.

During our time with the grandkids, we got to read lots of books. We got to listen to first grade, Bria, read chapter books. She is blossoming as a reader and it’s exciting to listen to her. We also got to play games, work puzzles, sit down during meals and hear their many stories, jokes, and all that little minds think about. We got to be the audience in a dance show put on by both Bria and Zane. Hilarious! We got to go to Family Book Bingo where they won books each time they got a bingo. The joy and excitement for them was VERY special to watch! We also got to experience Bria being concerned about the ice storm coming, and she took control. It was her idea to get flashlights and batteries together in a tub just in case we lost power. She included band aids too…that was her decision. We decided that with the flashlights we could find blankets and food easily enough. There was an ice storm although not as bad in Ulysses as it was further east. We didn’t lose power, but we were definitely prepared because of Bria. We got to feel a great deal of pride for a caring 7 year old.

We all woke up Monday morning to about three inches of wet snow and a winter wonderland surrounding us. Icicles were hanging from the roof and the trees. First, on the agenda was the kids needed to get in a bath time since we thought we would have a 4H meeting right after dinner. In honor of Mom and Dad wearing bathing suits on their vacation, Bria and Zane decided they needed to play in the tub with their bathing suits on before it was time for a real bath.  Simple pleasures in life. Later in the day, we all got to go out and build two snowmen! It was perfect wet snow that stuck together easily. Of course once the snowman making was complete, we got to have a snowball fight. Then we got to come in for hot chocolate and marshmallows to warm up.

It’s now time for bed and we got to reminisce on all the “got to’s” for the past six days. It would have been easy to focus on all that wasn’t getting done at our house or the fact we were tired at the end of the day or that we were in constant demand of young ones needing something or that they wanted to play with us. We could have focused on not wanting to go play bingo or even go out in the cold to build a snowman. We could have focused on getting dinner faster rather than letting the kids help. But instead, we got to try two recipes from Bria’s cookbook that took time and planning. (I will say the lunch-on-a-stick was a big hit for two days in a row!) Zane got to be the one breaking the eggs for breakfast each morning and turning on the blender for the shake. Poppa got to take the kids for donuts Saturday morning, and we all got to watch a movie eating popcorn Sunday night.

I share these reflections for a couple reasons. One is that it’s a wonderful way for me to think back over the past few days and all that we did. Second, I believe the mindset of how we approach situations is key to whether we enjoy something different and out of our ordinary routine or we look at it as a burden to just get through. And last, often times the got to’s force us to slow down and really smell the roses. The got to’s put a whole new twist on moving forward with a positive mindset and attitude.

Thanks to a special friend and mentor who recommended the book, Chase the Lion by Mark Batterson, I got to begin reading it after the grandchildren were asleep. I’ll reflect on the book this next week, but I can already tell you that this is a life changing read…go get your own copy NOW and then let’s talk!

I wish you a week of reflection and a continued mindset of “got to” vs “have to.”

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