Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Were you able to take some reflection time this past week? Any “ah ha” moments to help you move forward? What did you discover as to the types of people you are surrounding yourself with and who are in your close circle?

Here it is the second day of May!! Spring time is a time of renewal, rebirth, and a freshness in the air. Those of us in Colorado are finally seeing the sun and warmer days after a dreary week of 30+ temperatures, rain/snow, mix and cloudy. For the most part, this is the time when the flowers and trees are blooming (sorry allergy sufferers), the grass is greening up and needing to be cut, and the temperatures are starting to warm up.  Another part of spring, especially for those of you with children in school, it’s the time where your calendar is packed with choir concerts, final dance recitals, spring sports are in full swing, end of the year programs, banquets, prom, graduation, etc. etc.  Whew! 

ENERGY!  We all need more of it, right? After a long night with little sleep due to a sick child, a crying baby, tossing and turning in anticipation of a tough meeting in the morning, thinking about another day with people who look at the glass half empty and only know how to complain, going over and over that “to do” list in your head etc. We all need more energy! 

What do you do for a pick-me-up when you’re dragging?  Interestingly enough, most people will have 3-4+ cups of their favorite coffee throughout the day.  They didn’t have time to make breakfast, pack a lunch or both so they stopped off at a fast food place just to grab something quick.  Getting up a little earlier to exercise is definitely NOT in the picture, and hydrating with water is also out of the question….caffeine!  I need caffeine.  Sound familiar?

Before I go any further, I do want to acknowledge those of you who ARE paying attention to your health and ARE doing the “right” things. I love getting Elsa’s post in the mornings as she’s finished her exercise session in front of the TV in her basement. Garet is usually there as well, and we’ve also seen the pictures of Zane joining in on occasion. (Hysterical!) Breakfast, during the week, is a protein shake which is fitted into also getting the kids a healthy breakfast and ready for school.

If we take the time to sit back and reflect on our habits it’s easy to see what we SHOULD do, so why don’t we?  It’s that same excuse raising its ugly head again…TIME

Remember, however,…we all have 24 hours in a day, so it’s not a time problem, it’s a priority problem.  It’s the story you’re telling yourself.  If you’re engaging in some of the behaviors listed above on an occasional basis that’s one thing.  If this is your mainstay than yes, it is a problem.  We all have those times, and maybe it’s the last six weeks of school for you, where we are not in control of our time as much as we’d like.  If it’s a limited period of time, you may just be in survival mode.  Unfortunately, however, survival mode tends to flow into being the norm: “energy” drinks, coffee, no exercise, skipping breakfast, junk food, fast food meals etc.   With these bad habits contributing to your lack of energy, it now becomes an endless cycle. The story you keep telling yourself about having no time IS NOT WORKING!

So what are we to do?  First, acknowledge there is a problem.  Second, decide if this truly is just for a short period of time and then get back into your healthy eating, drinking, exercising routine.  Third, take a hard look at how you’re coping with not having energy.  What is ONE thing you can do to start to make a change? 

Here are a few suggestions:

Find ONE thing you’re willing to do starting tomorrow and repeat, consistently for an entire month – that’s 30 days!  If you’re really committed, you’ll write daily in some kind of notebook or journal on how you’re doing and what you’re noticing about your energy level.

The night before, make a list of the essential things that must be done the next day. The key word is essential. If other things get done then that’s a plus but the focus is on only the essential things.

Start to do more planning ahead of time. Plan Your weekly meals knowing which nights are busy therefore a crock pot meal would be a great choice. That also means making up the grocery list for that week and getting to the store. Maybe it’s once a month you do all the birthday gifts and card shopping. Consolidate your errands into one or maybe two trips. 

Turn the TV off, put your phone on the charger, AND put the computer down 45 minutes to an hour before you go to bed.  Your mind needs a chance to “wind down.” Besides, here’s a perfect opportunity to catch up with your spouse/significant other as to how your day went, reminders of what’s coming up, fyi about the kids, and just general adult conversation.

Have on hand a healthy trail mix bar like ones from Trader Joes or make your own No Bake Energy Bites when you get that hunger urge around 3:00 in the afternoon.  Almonds or walnuts, small amounts of yogurt are also good choices.  Have something that is easy to grab when you need that extra boost.

Get a pedometer and monitor the number of steps you take each day.  The goal is to increase that number by at least 50 steps each day.  Set your baseline on Day 1.

Breakfast is a must and protein is an essential part of this meal.  From personal experience, there are a lot of “junk” shakes out there.  I can attest to either the Shakeology or the Evolv shakes as having clean, good levels of protein, and healthy ingredients which will keep you feeling satisfied until lunch.  AND it takes less than five minutes to mix up.

For one entire month, commit to NO FAST FOODS. If you can’t go that long at least try one week then two etc. Your body needs time to adjust and start to learn what healthy food really feels and tastes like. 

Limit your caffeine intake to one cup of coffee in the morning.  Choose other ways to hydrate like water with a dash of concentrated lemon or lime juice for the rest of the day. I enjoy mixing up a pitcher of our Evolv Fuel or Fix drinks to have on hand.

NO soda, 5 Hour Energy, or any “energy” drink.  These are so loaded with sugar and “hidden sugars.”  

Create a routine during the week, and even on the weekends, with a regular bed time and the same wake up time.  (That is unless you have small children who may determine those times for you.)

Commit to a 20 minute walk once a day.

Women, in particular, complain about fatigue but actually the problem is dehydration!!  Are you drinking enough water?  A good test is if your pee is clear or a pale yellow then you’re getting enough fluids.  Focus on what you’re drinking.

Yes, you need carbs.  However, if you’re eating white bread, cookies, white pastas etc. your blood sugar will spike and then you crash which leaves you without energy – you’re exhausted.  Take these out of your food choices for the month.
Choose complex carbs like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and focus on having these at each meal.

What’s your choice?  Which one will you pick to pursue for 30 days?

I wish you a chance to reflect on your habits, your routines, and how you can get back to having an increased  level of energy each day.  I hope you don’t settle and accept the “no energy” as the norm.  We ARE in control and there ARE things we can do. 

I’d also like to take this opportunity to wish all the mothers out there a very HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!! I feel very blessed to still have my 88 year old mom still with us. She blesses me with her positive outlook on life, her willingness to change and adapt to new situations, and her love for all her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Feeling very blessed.

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