Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Do You Have a Game Plan?

Which ONE of the suggestions from last week “spoke to you?” Which one were you willing to commit to for the next 30 days? What did you want to change in order to bring more significance to your life and therefore, the lives of those around you?

For me, I decided I wanted to continue with my thank you notes especially to my grandchildren. They are all getting old enough that telling them how much we are proud of them in whatever they are doing is important. I am a big handwriting person as handwriting connects memories to our brain even decades later so these notes are all handwritten.

I recently watched a video from Terrence Wood who played at CU about the same time as Jason. He now has his own business helping young athletes get ready for the next level. His website is http://www.beforeyougopro.com/ and is an online mentoring site. If you have an athlete, in any sport, or you know of someone, I would strongly suggest you send them to this website. Terrence has an incredible understanding, personal experience, and background to help young athletes understand what it takes to move to that next level.

With that said, Terrence posted on FB a video where he is talking about having a Game Plan. (He also has a weekly live radio show with top people who give their personal thoughts and experiences as someone who has gone to that next level.) His words profoundly struck me as words to lead each of us, in any area of our lives, to a life of significance.

In last week’s blog, the topic was whether or not your actions reflected your priorities. Terrence, I think, takes a step back and talks first about having a Game Plan. If you have a Game Plan, “nothing can stop you.”  Often times when we’re upset, depressed, and even ready to quit it’s because we don’t have a Game Plan. Now I will add that the Game Plan also needs to be realistic. If as a young person just beginning in the work force your game plan is to be the manager in your accounting department within the first few  months, that probably isn’t realistic. The question Terrence asks is, “What’s in your heart? What are you passionate about?” That takes quiet, personal time to answer that question.

Often times, we are all guilty of looking around at what everyone else is doing and that’s what we want. Often times, we’re listening to people who don’t have our best interest in mind or if they do their view of what we should and should not be doing is different than our own. “It doesn’t matter what everyone else has! It also doesn’t matter where you are right now. What matters is your Game Plan to show where you’re going!”

I loved the honesty and direct message from Terrence in this video. As it turns out, he filmed the video during the night audit shift at a hotel.  He is married, has four beautiful children, he has his own business which he’s developing and growing, yet he needed a second job to help pay the bills. Despite the fact he has written books, has his own website and clients, and he has his own weekly radio show, Terrence is willing to do whatever it takes to reach his dreams. “I am waiting patiently for my Game Plan to come to fruition, so I don’t have to have this night job.”

I don’t care if you’re in your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s or older having a Game Plan in areas of your life is a necessity in order for things to change for the better. You might decide your Game Plan revolves around your spiritual growth, your financial status, your personal health and wellness etc.. Whatever it is it must be something you want to do, it must be something that’s in your heart, and it must be something you’re passionate about. AND as Terrence says, “Stop looking at everyone else! Stick in your lane! What everyone else is doing doesn’t matter.”

For me, a Game Plan can be big or small. (I prefer the sports analogy using the term Game Plan, but we’re also talking about Goals.) Last week’s blog was looking at areas in your life that you want to improve. You were to choose ONE area of your life you wanted to change, and then commit to ONE suggestion/activity. The final step was to then TAKE ACTION for the next 30 days. Terrence is willing to do whatever it takes to bring financial freedom to his family, to live out his Game Plan full time without the need of a second job, and he’s moving forward with his heart and passion. Can you say the same thing with your dreams and desires?

“Who has the heart to make it out of their current situation?” Who is willing to do whatever it takes to reach your dreams and your desires” Who is willing to put in the work, the dedication, gain skills, listen to coaches/mentors/teachers/bosses who you respect? Who is willing to fail knowing that each failure is one step closer to reaching that Game Plan? Who wants to lead a life of significance?

What is YOUR Game Plan in ONE area of your life? Last week’s blog and this week’s go hand-in-hand. I wish you a week of reflection, thoughtful time, and a decision with ACTION backing your desire to move ahead in your life.

Enjoy a safe and fun Memorial Day coming up on Monday.

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