Sunday, February 23, 2014

YOUR Health and Wellness - How's That Going For YOU?

I recently purchased the book The Dr's Diet by Dr. Travis Stork who is the host of the Emmy award-winning show, The Doctors.  He's also very cute.  :)

As I've been focusing on inflammation these past few blogs, I came across more information from Dr. Travis.  "On one hand, inflammation is an amazing biological response that we couldn't survive without.  It's our immune system's response to danger...our body 'turns up the heat' in an effort to protect us from this invasion." 

"On the other hand, when there's too much inflammation, it can damage healthy cells as well as invaders.  The excessive inflammation goes too far, harming the cells and tissues it's suppose to be helping."  As I mentioned earlier, "there's a wide range of diseases including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer's - pretty much all the major killers in our society. Genetic factors may also play a part."

In this particular book, there is a focus on weight management and eating right.  I've read may other books as well, but this one resonates with me much more than some of the others.  I like practical, easy, sensible, and guilt free.  The health information is presented in an easy to understand way with every day life examples and comparisons. There is information in the beginning and then easy, quick recipe for meals.  I would highly recommend reading this book if you are interested in either losing weight, restoring your health, and/or good solid information about your health.

"By improving your diet and losing excess fat, you can turn the heat down on inflammation.  In doing so, you lower your risk for developing the many diseases associated with chronic inflammation - the very diseases that so often cause premature death and disability."

So, now comes the real "meat."  In order to change something in your life, YOU have to change.  Not earth shattering news but REAL!

My goal in these blogs is to give you "food for thought" and hopefully help some of you make a lifetime change and commitment.  I want to Help People Evolv in all areas of their lives. 

Have a great week!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Chronic Inflammation = Imbalanced Immune System

What I have learned to understand is the root of chronic inflammation is an imbalanced immune system.  As I've said, we need a healthy balance of inflammation to stay healthy.  But if your body is constantly on the defensive, it makes sense that your overall health would be compromised. 

First of all, inflammation takes a lot of your body’s energy and resources.”  When I was in crises, I was always exhausted.  It didn't matter how much sleep I would get, I was always tired.  My entire body was working overtime and emotionally I was having a difficult time not only dealing with the pain, but my expectations of what I “should” be doing.

But…we CAN take action right away and we CAN take control of our bodies.  First and foremost I learned to “listen” to what my body wanted. For me, it was greens, fruits, and vegetables.  After eating a particular food, full meal etc. how do you feel an hour after you've eaten?  If there’s more pain, avoid that food for the time being.  My experience when I was in crisis was that dairy, mostly milk, and cheese were triggers. 

I soon realized I needed to keep a journal as I couldn't remember everything, and then I could also watch for patterns.  Remember...I said that in an earlier post.  I began tracking things like: the time of day, the amount, how often, as well as a particular combination of foods.

Second, when I was in crisis, I had to get rid of my “To Do” list.  I was use to making a list and not quitting for the day until it was all crossed off.  NOT!!!  Part of getting rid of the list was to reduce the stress of “all that had to be done.”  The other part of getting rid of the list was again to learn to listen to my body.  How long could I go without needing to take a break?  As a married female, with two children, and working full time, I had to realize that I had to focus on MY needs.  I wasn't much help to my husband or my children if I didn't take care of me. 

I’m a firm believer that we are all given challenges in our lives for a reason.  The difference between us is who is listening and doing something different OR who’s pointing a finger, blaming, having a constant pity party?  You know what I mean.  That is not to say I didn't go through the “why me” stage or felt sorry for myself.   The key, however, is how long do you stay in the pity party?  Take ACTION! 

Is it disturbing to learn that chronic inflammation is the root of nearly every modern disease on the rise today.  The good news is, however, we can choose each day to make good choices that will limit the “fuel to the fire” and reduce our chances of having the disease in the first place or, in my case, to conquer the inflammation, pain, and swelling, so I can now lead a fully functioning life.  The more I learn about the human body, the more convinced I am that “we have all the natural tools needed to maintain a healthful balance in our systems.” (Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP) Today is the day to begin leading a healthy and productive life no matter how old you are!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Inflammation? What is it Really?

What is chronic inflammation?

Inflammation seems to be the new “buzz” word.  I always thought inflammation was just when I had something like a sprained ankle.  Little did I know there can be inflammation in and around organs, the reason for so many of our health issues.  In fact 85% or more health issues stem from inflammation.

My rheumatoid arthritis? It stems from inflammation.  Inflammatory bowel disease, eczema? Also stem from inflammation.  “But chronic inflammation has now been connected to many modern diseases from obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, to Alzeheimers,  osteoporosis, Parkinson’s, cancer, and even depression," according to Marcelle Pick, Ob/gyn NP. 

There’s a difference between Western medicine and Functional medicine.  Western medicine primarily has a pathology orientation.  For example, when they look at our lab results, they see if we’re within the “normal, average” range.  I don’t know about you, but I’ve always felt we are each different and our numbers need to be what is right for each of us individually – not an average.  Functional medicine, however, looks at what is true for each individual and even more important what is the cause of what is happening?  Functional medicine views “chronic and degenerative illnesses – and even biological aging – as rooted in chronic inflammation.”  (To clarify, I am NOT opposed to Western medicine as it does have its place. What I am advocating is getting all the information and finding the cause in order to avoid continuing the problem.  I want to make an informed decision about my health.)

The list of symptoms chronically associated with low-grade chronic inflammation include:

·         Body aches and pains
·         Congestion
·         Frequent infections
·         Diarrhea
·         Dry eyes
·         Indigestion
·         Shortness of breath
·         Skin outbreaks
·         Swelling and/or stiffness
·         Weight gain/obesity

“We all need a measure of inflammation to survive.  Acute inflammation is the short-term immune response our bodies mount in cases of trauma, infection, and allergy.”  When all is working, as it should, our bodies “release pro-inflammatory compounds when needed and turning them off with anti-inflammatory compounds when the threat has been sufficiently addressed.”

Chronic inflammation,however, is when the normal response is not completely turned off.  My rheumatoid arthritis was my body fighting against itself and the inflammation continued causing the extreme pain and stiffness.  Another example of inflammation is my slight sensitivity to gluten. It isn't enough for me to completely eliminate gluten, but I do have to pay attention.  Some of our health issues may begin as small inconveniences such as gas, bloating, and discomfort in our digestive system.  (By the way, the digestive system has been referred to as the “second brain.”) I, for one, use to have the mindset that these effects were just an inconvenience.  I didn't pay attention to the fact that every time I ate a lot of bread I had these “symptoms.”  Just like I didn't associate my extreme level of stress which, for me, turned chronic inflammation in my hands and feet into my rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis.  In my situation, the “root of my chronic inflammation was an imbalanced immune system.”

My main message with this blog is to first pay attention to what is going on in YOUR body. Pay attention to what you’re eating and then observe how your body responds.  You may need to keep a journal to watch for patterns and frequency. Our bodies are incredible miracles. Learning more is a key to our health and being the best we can be.

No more excuses that you don’t have time to keep a journal.  Remember…what that really means is you’re not willing to make your health a priority.  Our health should be our NUMBER ONE INVESTMENT. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Lack Energy? Stressed Out? Aches and Pains?

2014 is my year to Help Other People Evolv something in their life whether it be to: reduce stress, find more energy, maintain and/or lose weight, become stronger in their self image, and those who are really committed to paying attention and focusing on their personal health and wellness.

As a quick background, Jon and I have always wanted to make a difference in people’s lives as we did in our jobs before retirement.  In the past 7-8 years, we have come across great companies with incredible leadership/training but the product wasn't right for us, then we found a great product but the ownership didn't have integrity and the training wasn't there.  In January 2013, we went to Dallas with Rick Parros, former Denver Bronco and incredible leader and friend.  There we were introduced to Trey White, Brent Hicks, Dr. Anne Smith, and the company EVOLV. 

Originally, I told Rick we would go and listen, but I was not interested in getting involved with a health and wellness company as they were a “dime a dozen.”  Since we have focused on our own health and wellness for many years, people come to us all the time with their products that are “wonderful and will change our lives.”  We tried many of them, partially because these were friends who recommended these products, but nothing really made a difference.  Hence my hesitation to get involved with something new.  However, I did promise Rick we would listen and have an open mind.

After hearing about their mission statement that included Helping Other People Evolve in all areas of their lives, hearing how the company gives back, as well as observing, listening, and believing in the integrity of Trey, Brent, Dr. Anne and the entire team I began lowering my guard and listening more intently.   We were educated on the science behind the products by Dr. Anne.  Products that no one else has and are proprietary to EVOLV. The company focuses on true health, wellness, and for some wealth, and there was transparency with everything from the physical structure of the offices to the documentation and science behind the products.  Time and again there was evidence that this EVOLV company was walking their talk. My skepticism vanished and excitement grew.

Fast forward a year later.  Not only have we consistently used products like the Limitless for inflammation, Activate for energy, shakes for a meal replacement, Thin for an energy/meal suppressant and others, but we have asked others to try samples.  Stories of no longer having migraines, allergies less severe, our pregnant and now nursing working mom with two children daughter having more energy, Jon lowering his cholesterol medicine level, taking pain away from an aching shoulder for my 86 year old mom, a friend no longer in pain with fibromyalgia, and a testimonial from our 21 year old nephew about reducing his recovering time from a ½ Ironman competition are just a few of the results people are having with these products.  Even our chiropractor/kinesiologist who has done in depth research and investigated the Limitless product now gives trial samples to patients where it would be helpful.

What has truly now become my personal mission and focus is to pay attention to what people are saying about their health, asking questions, and only if it’s appropriate giving out samples for people to try.  Any age (we have customers from 15-86), male/female, athletes or not, people just needing more energy, those in pain, or wanting to lose weight are all people who can benefit from these products.  Jon and I can attest to our own results.

After having my own health challenges with rheumatoid arthritis, watching my sister-in-law surviving an almost fatal stroke, talking to my niece who’s the doctor and can have 3-4 migraines a week if she’s not on medication are all reasons for me to at least let them try the EVOLV products.  If I can make a difference in people’s health and wellness including my own family, then that is my WHY.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


It's February 1st, 2014.  I was reminded last night that I haven't been as consistent posting on FB etc. than I have been in the past.  Note to self...consistency is key!!

Therefore, I am starting fresh, no regrets, just looking forward to all that is in store for me during this coming year in ALL areas of my life: emotional, spiritual, physical, financial, and general well being.  

Now at age 62, this journey called "life" has taken me through many ups and downs but now it's all making sense.  I feel I do have a few things/experiences to share, and I hope I can touch your life in some small way.  I look forward to reading your comments, experiences, and thoughts as well.

I will only be posting once a week, consistently, and occasionally more often as things come up.  To begin, you may want to read my past blogs, if you haven't already, to catch you up.

Wishing you a safe, warm, and healthy first day of a new month.