Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Tis the Season to Be Jolly - REALLY?

Last week, I wished you a week of deciding your PRIORITIES for this holiday season. The goal is to make a difference for yourself THIS year! This first step could be what “winning in life” means to you through your ACTIONS! What will you list as all your successes come January 1st, 2018?

21 days of a consistent behavior done repeatedly each day will create a habit. Three weeks ago, I challenged you to take on an attitude of GRATITUDE. How many of you took that challenge? I’d love to hear your thoughts and reflections. Each day I read my niece Kelly’s gratitude for the day as she posts it on Facebook. Good way for accountability. She’s been doing this for over a year…do you think she could ever stop now? NO WAY! It’s beyond a habit. Now it’s a part of her daily routine.

Gratitude is a powerful mindset. It’s also a way of keeping us observant and sensitive to all that is good versus the negative. Unfortunately, that negative voice seems to be the loudest, and we seem to listen to it more. NOT, however, if you have a grateful mindset that is a habit.

This week, I want to reference a commencement address that Brian Dyson, CEO of Coca Cola gave several years ago yet applies even today -  especially during this holiday season.
“Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them work, family, health, friends, and spirit – and you’re keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls – family, health, friends, and spirit – are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life.”

Remember that word BALANCE? Even during the next few weeks with all that is on our plate to be ready for the holiday, the word BALANCE is even more challenging than usual. Yet, it’s also THE most important word to keep in mind especially now.

Here are a few suggestions on how you might BALANCE things this holiday season and beyond:

1.    Avoid comparing yourself to others. This only undermines your own sense of self-worth. It’s ok to have store bought cookies at a cookie exchange.
2.    Set goals that work for you NOT what others deem important. You are the only one who knows what is best for you. Be careful when you’re finding what others are saying does not coincide with YOUR goals.
3.    Avoid taking for granted what is closest to your heart. That includes family, friends, your home, your children etc. Are your actions reflecting your priorities?
4.    Live your life one day at a time! Be present and enjoy each moment. That means not going through your “to do” list in your head while you’re “listening” to your child’s music program.
5.    Haven’t we all heard,”I don’t remember what I got for Christmas, but I do remember the memories and experiences we created together?” Keep that in mind when you’re shopping and stressing out about finding THE perfect gift.
6.    Give yourself permission to be late in sending out Christmas cards if that is a stressor for you. I remember sending them out in July when I was teaching and people loved it. I got more responses since people had time to sit down and read my letter.
7.    Keep in mind that a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated. That might be a tip or special food item for your mail carrier, beautician, milkman etc.
8.    Even the UPS and FedEx guys/gals who work long hours and days during this season could use a few smiles of appreciation. It could be as simple as opening the door and saying thank you when they bring the packages or a gift certificate for coffee/tea.
9.    The easiest way to show appreciation is to have a constant mindset of patience, a smile, and a thank you when in a long line, on the phone, in a crowd or in traffic.
10. Remember EVERYONE is busy and EVERYONE has their own TO DO list. Yours isn’t THE most important. 
Be ok with saying NO to something that will not add value to your goals and desires for the holiday season.
11. LET GO of having everything perfect! YOU will be the only one who notices. What people WILL notice is if you’re stressed out, short tempered, and frowning.
12. Remember the TRUE meaning of Christmas or Hanukah.
13. Take 15 minutes of quiet time every day! Surround yourself with music that you love and relaxes you, read from an uplifting book, or just sit and “be.”

What will you think and feel after this holiday season on January 2nd 2018? Will you be exhausted, worried about how you’ll pay the bills that are already coming in, and “swear” that you’ll do things differently next year? OR will you have beautiful memories of the people and the fun times together, you stayed within the budget you set, and you’re feeling pleased with how everything went this season?

I wish you a week of reflecting on your priorities for the rest of this holiday season and for the priorities you set for yourself to guide you in your thoughts and actions throughout this holiday.

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