Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Does Your Life Reflect Your Values?

Last week I wished you a week of reflecting on your priorities for the rest of this holiday season and for the priorities you set for yourself to guide you in your thoughts and actions throughout this holiday. How are you doing? Have you allowed time for yourself to truly enjoy being present and taking in each moment? OR are you telling yourself the same thing you tell yourself every year…I’ll do that next year.

There are times it’s very difficult to be positive when there is so much divisiveness in our world. You can’t read a newspaper, turn on the news, or turn on the radio when you aren’t hearing the anger and frustration people are venting. I’m reading an article about “The Problem of Identity Politics and Its Solution,” which is fascinating. In my opinion, we are more divided along racial, ethnic, gender, and religious lines than at any other time I can remember.

The colleges and universities, businesses etc. want us to be identified as belonging to a specific group, the media breaks down the demographics in specific groups, the entertainment world does the same. If we disagree with a particular line of thinking, we’re called “racist” or “homophobic” or “misogynist” etc. More labels. It’s not acceptable to have differing viewpoints. 

Even during this holiday season, we are bombarded with what is and isn't acceptable. What? According to who? 

I live in Boulder and Boulder has always been known to others in Colorado as more “out there” and “doing its own thing.” It’s often referred to as the “Republic of Boulder.” There’s definitely some truth to that and like anything else there are the pluses and minuses. Yet, I see the “group think” much more prevalent in this area than what I remember when I moved here 42+ years ago.

Yet, then I go to Ulysses, Kansas or Okawville, Illinois and I see the small, Midwest towns that continue to have the values I remember growing up with in Iowa. Okawville has their yearly Wheat Festival with a parade, carnival, and families young and old gather in the park. There are USA flags waving, the police, fire and first responders are all part of the parade being cheered as they drive down main street.

There are school programs, during the holidays, that sing Christmas carols and have  Christmas decorations on display. The national anthem is played at all sporting events and people stand with their hand over their hearts and caps are removed. Young children are taught to stop and pay attention.

These are hard working families that depend on the land for their livelihood. These are families; young and old, that aren’t spending their days worried about what name should go on the bathroom doors. These are people celebrating our country’s history and working to make life better for each person no matter their race or religion. These communities don’t think twice that a Nativity scene is on the front lawn of the Court House. There is a definite, true sense of community.

I say all this because I’m making it my own personal mission, to stay in touch with the values I grew up with and the values I see my children have passed on to my grandchildren. A key value is what God has taught all of us which is “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” Those values, for me, include saying Merry Christmas to the clerk checking me out at the grocery store or the barista making my coffee. Those values also include personal relationship time. That may be having coffee to catch up, enjoying time with family and friends without cell phones ringing. It’s those times playing games, putting together puzzles, making fudge or holiday goodies together because it’s the conversations that happen doing those activities that are so memorable.

It’s also my personal mission to pay attention to my environment. I “hide” anything on my FB or Twitter pages that have any negative political commentary and definitely there can be NO foul language. If I want a political conversation I will talk with you one on one. There is a definite difference in areas of our country and what people believe. That’s always been the case, however, it’s much more apparent because of the media, entertainment world, social media, and the identity politics. Instead of conversations, we seem to be far more into name calling, threats, and fear mongering. 

I hope and pray that you will take a sincere and realistic view of your life this past year. Each year we talk about doing things differently. Each year we make new resolutions for a change in our health, finances, relationships etc. I hope that also will include asking yourself if you're leading the life that God has created for you or are outside influences taking control of what you think and your actions? Have you been caught up in "group think" at work? in your social group? in your church group? in your politics? 

“Change can be scary, but you know what is even scarier? It’s allowing FEAR to stop you from GROWING, EVOLVING, and PROGRESSING.” It's the "group think" that has more control over you than knowing what is really The Best You.

It’s December 12th, 2017. There are 13 days until Christmas and 19 days until New Year’s Eve. At that time another year has passed by. My prayer for you, no matter your age, is that you will take stock in what is important to you in ALL areas of your life, and you will make changes where changes are needed. Life is way too short. I pray you do not have another year of same old-same old because you “don’t have time.”

I pray for you to have gratitude in your heart and that you rise above the negativity and hate which can be overwhelming. A great quote I read recently said, 

“Positive thinking is not expecting the best all the time but accepting whatever happens is the best for the moment.”

I wish you a week of reflection, peace, and observation.

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