Tuesday, December 19, 2017

What's On Your Adult Christmas List?

Last week, I wished you a week of reflection, peace, and observation. I hope you are making yourself a priority and getting in some personal, quiet time!

Two things caught my attention this week. First, we ask the kids to make up their list for Santa. What about an adult list? Second, I heard Tim McGraw’s song, “Always Stay Humble and Kind.” With these two in my head, here are my thoughts for the week.

If you haven’t heard Tim McGraw’s song, the gist is what actions to take to always stay humble and kind. Some of his references are:

         Visit Grandpa and Grandma every chance you can - it won’t be a waste of time.
         Hold the door.
         Say please and thank you.
         Don’t lie, cheat, or steal.
         When work put in is realized, let yourself feel pride.
         Don’t expect a free ride from anyone.
         Don’t hold a grudge or have a chip on your shoulder as bitterness keeps you from       flying.
         Know the difference between sleeping with someone and sleeping with someone you love.
         Don’t take for granted the love this life gives you.
         When you get where you’re going, don’t forget to look back and help the next one in line.
         And always remember to stay humble and kind.

With this song in mind, I started to develop my own adult Christmas list remembering to always stay humble and kind.

Dear Santa,

This is what I want for this Christmas season and for 2018:

         Continue with my good health. I promise to continue working out at least six days a week.

         More special times with my 90 year old mom especially sharing stories of when she       was little.

Continue my experiences with all 7 of our grandchildren and pictures to commemorate our times together!

         Continue my daily gratitude for each day spent with Jon.

         Enjoy each beautiful sunrise and sunset, never taking it for granted.

Continue to be appreciative for the little things – making sure please and thank you are always a part of my appreciation.

To always enjoy each moment, to be present and not miss what is happening.

To spend more time reflecting on what I need to do to be a better person for me – not comparing myself to others.

Continue to read at least one book a month.

Continue to look for ways to make life better for someone else each day.

Continue to learn and grow in my physical, emotional, and spiritual life.

Continue to smile, have sincere conversations with friends and family without any phone interruptions.

Continue to look for information and be informed based on facts not what is being construed as fact on social media.

Continue to support and encourage our WorldVentures team in all they are doing to build their own business. 

Always remember the true meaning of Christmas – to keep Christ in Christmas.

Keep this feeling of positive, loving, grateful, and healthy attitude each day throughout the year.

I wish you a week of enjoying your family and friends. I will not be posting a blog on the 26th, as I also plan to be enjoying my family.

Merry Christmas to each of you. I appreciate your friendship throughout the year.


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