Tuesday, November 28, 2017

WINNING in Life Part 2

Last week I wished you a week to reflect on the question, "What does winning in life" mean to you? Though I’m sure it was busy, I hope you were able to find some quiet reflection time.

The hustle and bustle of the holidays is officially in full swing. Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday and Christmas is 29 days away. The “To Do” list keeps getting longer, there are school programs to attend, church programs to attend, parties, baking, cards to get out etc. etc. etc. What’s your mindset right now?

Are you going into this holiday season in the same place as you were last year? Dreading the financial burden? Feeling stressed out which translates into being short tempered especially with the kids as they ramp up? If everything feels like a “must do” rather than a “get to” then why are you doing some of the things you’re doing?

Your “winning in life” goals will tell you if you’re in alignment with your body, soul, and spirit. Maybe this is the year you PRIORITIZE that “To Do” list and some things just don’t need to get done.

In Chris Widener’s article, once you have defined what “winning in life” means to you, the second step is to PRIORITIZE. If you are truly PRIORITIZING, you must let other, non-important areas drop off your list. Commitment to developing a plan to succeed in a balance of areas in your life is the ultimate goal. So why not start now with THIS holiday season? Take that first step!

“When we manage our time and schedule, we are simply making choices in regard to our PRIORITIES.” Our tendency, however, is to do whatever is the most fun and procrastinate on the “not so fun” things, or we take action on what is “screaming” the loudest at the moment which eliminates any kind of PRIORITIZING.

According to Widener, “Winners reflect on what they desire to achieve, make a plan, and decide to eliminate the rest.” Once again, it comes back to having defined FIRST what it is that we want our successful life to look like. That also means, we must be willing to go against what others think our priorities should be. Are you into the “keeping up with the Joneses?” or what your mother-in-law thinks you should be doing? or are you trying to be “Super Woman?” 

When this holiday season is over and 2018 begins, where will YOU be? Right back in the same place as 2017 with changing still a goal without action behind it? (That's really only a wish, you know.) 

Or are your actions showing you have spent 2017 PRIORITIZING where you spend your time, and you are in a different place financially, with your health etc.? Most research states that only about 5% of people are willing to change. The majority of people don’t like change and are more comfortable blaming, complaining, or defending their actions.

Until you know what you want in your life, until you PRIORITIZE those actions in all areas of your life, there will be NO change. Widener states that the last step is to DO IT! That’s the hard part. “This is where we are all alone. We all make this step on our own, but having a written plan is as good a preparation as you can get.”

Will Rogers said, “Even if you’re on the right track, you won’t get anywhere if you’re standing still. There has got to be ACTION.”

I wish you a week of deciding your PRIORITIES for this holiday season. What will you list as all your successes during this past holiday season on January 2nd, 2018? Make a difference for yourself THIS year! Begin what “winning in life” means to you through your ACTIONS!

1 comment:

  1. Nancy, awesome stuff as usual. Got to have a plan, be willing to adjust when necessary and not give up. Way to encourage others!
