Tuesday, September 5, 2017

What Will People Say?

Welcome back to my Tuesday Encouragement blogs. I have spent the month of August reflecting on my goals for 2017 and deciding where I want to focus my attention for the next four months both personally and professionally. It’s been a much needed personal time.

My goal with these blogs has always been for me to have time to reflect on what’s happening in my life, and hopefully giving you a few thoughts to add to your personal growth. Though I do not want this to be a political venue, there are things that happen in our world that I feel compelled to at least give my perspective. I always welcome your feedback and personal thoughts.

John Wooden, one of my heroes, states. “Make each day a masterpiece. A better tomorrow will be the result of what we do today.” He continues to say, “God didn’t make us all equal in ability; we’re not equal as far as size or appearance. We don’t all have the same advantages as others, but we are all equal as far as having the same opportunity to make the most of what we have – whatever that might be.”

A few weeks ago, my three siblings, our spouses, four of seven grandchildren, plus two of seven great-grandchildren all gathered in Wichita for a weekend of celebrating Mom’s 90th birthday. 90!! That’s definitely a milestone and with family and friends we were able to have an opportunity to honor Mom and her impact on each of our lives.

Though Dad has been gone for almost eight years, the two of them celebrated 58 years of marriage; raised the four of us children, and welcomed 7 grandchildren. Mom has also now been a part of welcoming seven great grandchildren! She’s led a life of always learning and growing in both her personal and spiritual life. Now, more than ever before, the word that exemplifies Mom’s life is GRATITUDE.

She’s slowing down, gets frustrated when she can’t do something, yet is willing to admit she needs help. Mom is appreciative of all the support she gets from her family as well as support from the health professionals. Her day is not full of getting a lot done, yet it is a masterpiece. She’s present, she enjoys the moments with friends and family, and continues to give God all the credit for taking care of her. During the weekend of her birthday celebration, she was content to sit and watch all the activities; she was smiling and conversing with friends who came to celebrate her, and she was a little overwhelmed, I think, with all the attention.

Mom was born in 1927 and remembers going through the Depression. She tells us she’s sure she and her brother ate each day yet was sure her parents went without food on many occasions. She was a young woman who got a college education and taught school for a couple years before getting married. She was physically active despite not having athletics for women, she was a hard worker, she learned how to sew and became a master seamstress. She taught herself how to wallpaper, and could fix almost anything. Resourceful!

Grateful, resourceful, appreciative, she doesn't take anything for granted, and she loves life. Mom is the epitome of someone who makes the most of what she has and lives each day to the fullest. 90 years.

Thanks, Mom, for sharing your gifts with many generations, and for teaching us how to grow old gracefully and full of gratitude.

I wish you a week of reflecting on what you’d like people to say about you when you are 90.

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