Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Our American Spirit

Last week I wished you week of reflecting on what you’d like people to say about you when you are 90. Did you put some thought into that question? There are many challenges in our day to day lives yet who we are in our core is what says the most about each of us. I hope you did take the time to examine this question with sincerity from your inner heart.

These past few weeks have been an incredible time with the challenges of all the fires in the NW, Hurricane Harvey, and Hurricane Irma. Jon and I continually reflected on what we saw as the spirit of America at its best. People were helping those in need, seeking out those who were in life threatening situations, people were “stepping up” in all kinds of ways whether it be volunteering their time, money, or supplies. 

It was all about going above and beyond – doing whatever it took to help those in need. One’s skin color, religion, party affiliation, gender, or ethnicity were never questioned. Communication between the local, state, and federal branches of government was proactive. What I saw was the epitome of team work with the common focus of making sure people were safe first and foremost.

During this time, we didn’t hear labels such as racist, white supremacist, bigot etc. What we did hear were words of appreciation, thank you’s, respectful dialogue, amazing stories of rescue and harrowing experiences. We watched young people out rescuing the elderly or anyone in trouble. We watched people doing whatever it took to reach people needing help. 

We were saddened with the loss of life, the total loss of homes yet we watched families holding on to one another, grateful they were safe. You did hear accolades for the first responders, for the mayors, the governor, and the Trump administration.

Yesterday was 9/11. It was a time to remember what occurred 16 years ago and the terrorist attack on our country. I read Jason’s reflection on Facebook and decided he said it the best…

“As I listen to the news and look on social media on all the 9/11 tributes, and all the 'Never Forget' pictures...I am saddened. The truth is that we have forgotten. We've forgotten that we were UNITED as a country. We've forgotten that if you loved the Red, White and Blue it didn't matter what race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. We were all Americans. Yes, our nation has a past that isn't always inclusive or pretty, what country doesn't? I remember how much it hurt to know that people wanted to harm us because we were FREE.

My challenge to all of us is to do better. Love more and hate less. Don't judge because of a different point of view, but love and respect that person for being brave enough to share it. America, let's get back to who we are and what has made us great... Let's NOT forget! Not just this one day. Let's not forget the lessons we learned.”

I agree with Jason. I pray that we truly take a moment to pause, reflect, and do whatever we can do to make each day count. I pray it doesn’t take disasters or the one day to remember the events that occurred on 9/11 to bring us back to what America stands for, and why we are proud to live in this country.

There were no labels during these hurricanes or with 9/11. There were only Americans.
I wish you a week of reflection on what you can do to remember the images and remember the message of what coming together looks and sounds like EACH AND EVERY DAY!

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