Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Seven Months of Reflection

Last week, I wished you a week of reflection on what these three words mean in your life:
Faithful – Available – Teachable. Did you come up with your own definition?

August 1st! Where did the summer go? Many of you are squeezing in a last-minute vacation and then the school year is just around the corner. Seven months have now gone by in 2017. My January 3rd blog was titled 2017 Can be THE best year ever. How’s that going for you?

What changes have you implemented this year? Have you set up a Christmas account so the holidays won’t be a financial burden this year? Have you consistently worked on improving your eating habits and your exercise routines? Have you read more books on personal development? Have you learned more about your own strengths?

To jog your memory, I have decided to pick out some of the topics and questions I’ve asked in my blogs throughout these seven months. I would encourage you to read through this list and evaluate yourself on how you’re doing to this point:

People who are moving forward in their lives have:
*a positive mindset
*they’re able to maintain a broader perspective and see the big picture
*they’re far more SOLUTION oriented versus focusing on problems
*they catch themselves every time they use B,C,D and flip around to a positive mindset followed by ACTION

I wish you a week of reflection on what you want to have happen in 2017! Make a monthly ACTION PLAN to make those things happen DAILY!

I wished you a week of Positive Energy with an emphasis on all that you “get to” do to move forward in 2017 Being the Best You that You Can Be!
I wished you a week of reflection and a continued mindset of “got to” vs “have to.”
I would challenge you to take an inventory of your life and then come up with your own list of “stop doing” and “start doing.” I can guarantee that these will be powerful and life changing for you in many ways. What a gift to give yourself.
I wished you a week of putting your phone down and taking time for true conversations with your spouse/significant other, your children, your co-workers, your friends etc. Don’t miss those opportunities for connection. BE PRESENT.  
For me, I am taking back my natural tendency to be a positive, grateful woman who feels very blessed in my life, and I refuse to be influenced by toxic negativity which includes a lack of respect and tolerance for differences.

I wished you a week of examining your own belief system in ALL areas of your life and be true to your own heart despite whether others support you or not.  

I wished you a week of reflection on how you are doing with YOUR self-discipline. When you find yourself not wanting to do something ask yourself, “Is doing the task going to help me be better, help me be successful, help me be the best I, can be?  If the answer is yes, then JUST DO IT!

I encouraged you to focus on YOUR strengths and talents and run YOUR race.  Don’t wait for other’s approval.  Use YOUR gifts to learn and grow.  Know that YOU have all the gifts YOU need! 

I wished you a week of identifying your strengths and talents! I wished you a week of recognizing the importance of running your own race.

Each year we’re older, we’ve had many new/different experiences, we’ve learned new/different things, some things didn’t work because of the timing, and other things now work because of the timing. Are you adjusting to change? Are you flexible and willing to get out of your comfort zone to move forward with your dreams and goals?


“Most people are afraid to be different from everyone else. They are more comfortable following a crowd than daring to follow the lead of God’s Spirit. When we follow the example of others, we may please people, but when we step out in faith and follow God’s Spirit, we please Him…Let’s be determined to be ourselves and refuse to spend our lives feeling inferior just because we are different from someone else.”
I wished you a week of reflecting on the people in your life and how you can honor and support them now. I also wished you a week of reflecting on how you are adding value to your own life and those around you. Don't be afraid to be the unique, special person that God created you to be.

I wished you a week of finding a book that will help you learn and grow in an area of your life that you feel you need to pay attention to right now. I encourage you to not turn the page in the book of lack but instead find a new book and focus on ABUNDANCE.
Just like watching the football game knowing the outcome, you can be calm and unflustered when you seem to be behind, or when it appears that things aren’t working out the way you had planned. You have God as your director. You have God in charge if you’re willing to listen, learn, move forward, not be deterred during the low times and be patient for that next direction from your inner GPS.

TODAY is all you have. “The greatest gap in life is the one between knowing and doing.” Dick Briggs.

I wished you a week of making the most of each day and taking time at the end of each day to rate yourself on how well you were able to live in the moment – not living in the past or dreading the future.

Just for today…  I will choose and display the right attitudes.
Just for today…  I will know and follow healthy guidelines.
Just for today…  I will communicate with and care for my family.
Just for today…  I will practice and develop good thinking.
Just for today…  I will earn and properly manage finances.
Just for today…  I will deepen and live out my faith.
Just for today…  I will plan for and model generosity.
Just for today…  I will seek and experience improvements.

THEN ONE DAY…  I will see the compounding results of a day lived well.

I wished you a week of consistently living your “just for today” list. If you do this then when those sorrowful times come, you can embrace that sorrow - it’s not a wakeup call. After all, YOU are living a life consistently present without regret.

If you find yourself stuck, if you find yourself going through the motions without a purpose, if you find yourself not feeling you’re fulfilling the life God has designed for you, I would recommend investing in yourself by reading this book, Start with Why by Simon Sinek. You will learn more about the Golden Circle and living a life from the inside out.

I wished you a week of reflecting on your WHY’s especially in your career and in your relationships or marriage. I look forward to hearing from you. This is powerful!

I would encourage you to aim for inspiration when you look at all areas of your life. That means to take personal development seriously and know who you are. That IS in your control! Books, CD’s, seminars, meditation, exercise, face to face conversations…

In addition, as social beings, we also need support.  Who do you surround yourself with? Who inspires you to be better? Who guides you to go to the next level? Who encourages you to take risks? Who supports you when you’re down but is not an enabler? Who will be there for you no matter what?

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“What we think, we become.” – Buddha

I wished you a week of reflection to truly know and accept where you are in your life and where you want to be. This is YOUR journey of a lifetime so make the most of each day.

Every day stand guard at the door of your mind,” says Jim Rohn. John Maxwell says something similar, “It’s vital to think right, to set your mind right, and go after those positive thoughts day by day.” MINDSET!

I wished you a week of reflecting on your own personal MINDSET. Are you growing and moving forward or are you stuck? Once again, “what you focus on expands. MINDSET.

I would challenge you to take time each day to reflect on how you are a better YOU today. It’s important to understand that we can either go through life on autopilot, or we can go through life present and mindful that learning and growing is key to being a better YOU at ANY age.

“Good, better, and best; never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best.”

I wished YOU a week of finding a quiet time to reflect on all that YOU do right, all that YOU do that makes a difference in other’s lives, all that YOU do to continue to learn and grow and be the best that YOU can be whatever your age. Take time to celebrate the fact that YOU are the greatest hero in your life!!

I encourage you to pick out the things that are truly meaningful to you and focus on them for the rest of 2017. Make 2017 a better year than 2016 because of your actions!

I will be doing the same thing and am excited about a new project that Jon and I are working on together. I will not be sending any blogs out in the month of August so I can focus on my goals and personal growth as well. Here’s to a month of reflections and ACTION!

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