Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Dr. Ben Carson - MINDSET

Last week I wished you a week of reflection to truly know and accept where you are in your life and where you want to be. After all, this is YOUR journey of a lifetime. How did you do and what did you learn about yourself?

Before I begin this week’s thoughts, I hope that you each had a safe Memorial Day. I hope that between the bbq’s, running the Bolder Boulder, camping, etc you also spent time reflecting on what this day actually means for Americans and why we set this day aside as a special holiday. Have you taught your children why we celebrate this day? Did you put your flag out to honor these men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms? We are “land of the free, because of the brave.”

I was appalled this week in listening to the criticism of Dr. Ben Carson’s comments about MINDSET. He said in an interview that “having the wrong MINDSET” contributes to poverty. “I think poverty, to a large extent, is also a state of mind. You take somebody that has the right MINDSET, you can take everything from them and put them on the street, and I guarantee in a little while they’ll be right back there. And you take somebody with the wrong MINDSET, you could give them everything in the world, they’ll work their way right back down to the bottom.”

Dr. Carson argued that parents can help prevent their kids from developing the “wrong MINDSET.” He speaks from personal experience. “A lot of it has to do with what we teach children,” he said. “You have to instill into that child the MINDSET of a winner.” He also went on to say that “there’s also a poverty of spirit. You develop a certain MINDSET.” (His biography is fascinating and was very difficult early on.)

It baffles me as to why there is such criticism about Dr. Carson's comments. You will find a great number of well know mentors, coaches, motivational speakers who agree. Tony Robbins states, “change your MINDSET, change your life.” Jim Rohn, John Maxwell, T. Harv Eker and so many other motivational speakers, mentors, coaches all agree with Dr. Carson.

Look at the number of people who have won the lottery and end up dead broke and destitute. It’s documented that 70% of lottery winners will end up in bankruptcy within a few years. There are far more challenges and changes in their lives than they’re prepared to handle so quickly.

What about the professional athletes? 58% of NBA athletes are broke within five years after they quit playing, and 78% of NFL athletes are broke within 3 years after they leave the sport. Why is that? There’s financial mindset, personal self-worth mindset, surrounding yourself with people who will always have your back MINDSET and so much more.

Why is it that we have generations of families on welfare? Welfare use to be a “hand” that the government gave to people to help them through a difficult time with the idea that the person would get back on their feet and no longer need this support. That’s not the case any longer, and we have generations of families that do not know anything else. MINDSET.

As Jim Rohn says, “Our lives are mainly affected by the way we think they are, NOT the way they are. Poor thinking habits make people poor.”  The Bible says, “As you think so you become.” T. Harv Eker refers to a money blueprint which he explains, in more detail, why people must change their MINDSET in order to change their lives.

What is the difference between someone who grows up surrounded by drugs, alcohol, prostitution, on welfare, and education isn’t valued but “gets out” of that culture and makes a life for themselves versus someone who is unable to “get out.” (Dr. Ben Carson knows for what he speaks.)

MINDSET means to set your mind on something and taking responsibility to focus on the things that will add value to your life. John Maxwell states, “We are today where our thoughts have brought us,” and that can be either positive or negative.

As I have been writing about throughout most of my blogs, I believe we are in control of our thinking – our MINDSET. And yes, I believe that thinking can be changed from a negative to a positive but not without a desire to change. If someone would come to your home, what would they see as your reading material? What would they see you’re listening to? It’s really that simple and that telling.

“Every day stand guard at the door of your mind,” says Jim Rohn. John Maxwell says something similar, “It’s vital to think right, to set your mind right, and go after those positive thoughts day by day.” MINDSET!

I wish you a week of reflecting on your own personal MINDSET. Are you growing and moving forward or are you stuck? Once again, “what you focus on expands. MINDSET.

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