Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Good, Better, Best

Last week I wished you a week of reflecting on your own personal MINDSET. Are you growing and moving forward or are you stuck? Once again, “what you focus on expands. MINDSET. What did you learn about yourself and your MINDSET?

What book are you reading or listening to on audio right now? What are you filling your mind with each day? We seem to be inundated with “stuff” from social media to biased media coverage, to a lot of negativity throughout the day, so it’s our job to make sure we’re putting in “good stuff” to be able to live that life we’re meant to live.

If you’re in the car for a longer commute it’s easy to get books on tape or on your phone. If you like to read but never seem to have enough time or fall asleep as soon as you sit down, try a goal of reading just four pages to begin. You will be amazed at what the rest of your day will be like if you start your day putting in positive or you end your day filling your brain with positive before you fall asleep.

This was a great week spending time with a dear friend over coffee/lunch being able to catch up and also have an open and honest conversation on a variety of topics. Jon and I had dinner with friends and also had open and honest conversations on a variety of topics. Then we met up with two high school friends who happened to be in town – once again having special time with open and honest conversations on a variety of topics.
Each encounter this week left me feeling blessed that I had opportunities for great conversations, differing views were accepted with respect, and I came away learning something new. I felt uplifted, blessed, and invigorated.

As Jon Gordon says in his book, The Energy Bus, we are each the driver of our own bus. We are in control of what we focus on, we are in control of what we think about, and we are in control of how we handle situations. Do you look at each challenge as temporary and a chance to learn from it? Do you trust that the lessons you learn along this journey of life will make you stronger, wiser, and better? Do you figure out the lesson from each challenge?

I would challenge you to take time each day to reflect on how you are a better YOU today. It’s important to understand that we can either go through life on autopilot, or we can go through life present and mindful that learning and growing is key to being a better YOU at any age.

Thanks to a dear friend, Mark McIntosh, who writes his thoughts each week shared these encouraging words from Coach Mac, former CU head football coach:

“Good, better, and best; never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best.”

What a great mantra to have each day in all we do.

I wish you a week of challenging yourself to do two things (1) begin a new reading regiment with the focus on expanding your world through personal development and (2) put the above words of wisdom from Coach Mac on a card and read it each day for the next week. 

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