Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Rules for Your Bus

I hope you had a chance to reflect on your emotional IQ. Were you able to feed your positive mindset even in the face of all the negativity that seems to continue to inundate us from all around. You CAN “feed the positive!”

Unfortunately, these are such challenging times; however, I hope you also realize that in YOUR life there are positives. We can’t control the horrific attacks and the negativity in the media. We must stay vigilant, but we also must continue to live a life of gratitude.

In the last part of the Energy Bus there are 10 rules for the “ride of your life.”  I invite you to look through these and use them to guide you each day:

1   1. YOU’RE the driver of your bus.

2   2. Desire, vision, and focus move your bus in the right direction.

3   3. Fuel your ride with positive energy.

4   4.  Invite people on your bus and share your vision for the road. YOU are capable of influencing others with a positive attitude.

5   5. Don’t waste your energy and time on those who don’t “get on your bus.” They are energy stealers.

6    6. Post a sign that says “No energy vampires allowed!”  In other words, keep out the toxic and negative people out of your life.

7    7.  Enthusiasm attracts more passengers and energizes them during the ride.

8   8.  Love your passengers. These are the people who you surround yourself with that have that same positive mindset.

9   9.  Drive with a purpose.

    10.  HAVE FUN and enjoy the ride. Each day is special.

Think about all the people on your bus; your spouse or significant other, your children, grandchildren, parents, siblings, colleagues, friends, and many more. You are an important “driver” in their lives. 

You are a role model, and a leader for all those close to you. They look to you to set the course. They look to you for guidance. They look to you for stability. They look to you for LOVE and support!

This is an important time.  I wish you a week of realizing your importance to those around you.