Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Stronger! Wiser! Better!

I hope you were able to take time to reflect and reevaluate your own mindset about what you can do when you’re confronted with negativity, overwhelming sadness, frustration with the actions of others, disappointment in others’ behaviors etc. What have you learned about your thinking as to whether you take the high road/more positive or you get caught up in all the negativity. Let’s be mindful of our choices and our actions at all times as there are always conflicts and there are always times of elation.

“Spring is the season of activity and opportunity,” according to Jim Rohn. In a recent article, he states, “The mere arrival of spring is no sign that things are going to look good in the fall.” Jim’s article reflects on the seasons which are a wonderful metaphor for times in our lives. Spring represents the time for opportunity whereas winter represents more of the challenging times. The key word for spring is ACTION.

Life’s experiences reflect a constant flux of change both positive and negative. As we age and our experiences continue, we MUST be willing to put on a new pair of “glasses” to see the world and our life experiences in a different way. Things look different at age 20 and single then they do at age 35, married with children etc.. Personally, I believe God gave each of us our natural destiny to learn, grow, succeed, and to find happiness while we are here on earth. Therefore, WE are in control how we handle the successes and challenges that confront us.

“Life is like the changing seasons – you cannot change the seasons, but you can change yourself,” another great quote from Jim Rohn. In addition, “You cannot change the circumstances but you can get stronger, wiser, and better.” For me, that’s a powerful statement!

Reflecting back on last week’s blog about Amanda, she has made the decision to continue to be the best she can be by attending support groups, researching information on possible avenues for her life, and to solicit help from professionals to guide her in her personal growth. She has chosen to be kind to herself when she’s sad about her biological father’s sudden death after only a short time with him. She is embracing the concept of “the only constant factor is our feelings and attitudes toward life. As humans, we have the power of attitude and that attitude determines choice, and choice determines results.”

I can attest to the fact that this is an attitude that has begun to surface and take hold for Amanda only in the last couple years. Previously, she had little self- esteem and lacked a confidence in her own self-worth. Amanda, like all of us, has experienced all kinds of “winters.” Jim Rohn refers to these “winters” as those times you can’t figure something out, the “winter” when everything seems to go wrong.” There are economic winters, social winters, personal winters, relationship winters etc.

“Wintertime can bring disappointment, and disappointment is common for all of us. So you must learn how to handle the winters. You must learn how to handle difficulty…The big question is what do we do about “winters”? ACTION! You CAN take ACTION. Remember these three words: STRONGER! WISER! BETTER! The “winters” won’t change, but each of us, individually CAN change.

Haven’t we all wished that things were easier and not so difficult or complicated? Haven’t we all wished that we had someone else’s life? Haven’t we all looked at someone else and thought they had it all and we wished we were like that? Of course, I think that’s human nature. However, I would suggest that instead of wishing things were easier when things were difficult, instead of hoping that someone else will change so our lives will be easier, instead of making comparisons of lack versus what we perceive as abundance I challenge you to take ACTION for what is in your control.

Earl Shoaff, Jim Rohn’s mentor, shared his philosophy, “Don’t wish something was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.”

I love this perspective. It’s not necessarily the easiest to always follow; however, it is a shift in mindset that puts us back into the driver’s seat and not a passenger allowing others to control our thoughts and actions.

“Indecision is the thief of opportunity.”

I wish you a week of taking action and learning how you can become STRONGER! WISER! BETTER!

Happy Spring!

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