Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2015 a New Year

Welcome to 2015!  I hope you had a very special Christmas/Hanukkah season and a Happy New Year.  It was a special time for Jon and me as we were able to have individual time with each family and the grandkids.  Despite some traveling challenges getting to Elsa’s on the 23rd, it all worked out. We cherished each visit, celebrated the holidays, and most important we enjoyed the memorable time with family.  We are truly blessed.

I've chosen to start 2015 reflecting on this past holiday season.  Before being able to move on to make plans for a new year, I hope you will take time to “analyze” how things went for you.  Now that the holidays are behind us, how are you feeling?  Are you looking at the past two weeks with a smile, a sigh that thankfully it’s now all behind you, or somewhere in between?  Take a few moments to think about what went well, where did you have fun, what events/activities were the most comfortable, time-wise how did your preparation go?  Did you stay within your budget or did you even have a budget?  How did family time go?  This also includes extended family.  Can you pick out at least four or five of your favorite moments or are you only thinking about the conflicts and turmoil?  Can you identify the relaxing times or are you thinking more about the times you had to walk on eggshells for fear someone would be upset?  Did you ever find yourself thinking, “next year I'm going to…?”  That might be a positive…something you want to be sure you do again, or it could be something you don't want to repeat.  The point here is to take time to reflect and then make plans for next year.  It’s not to have everything go perfectly.  The goal is to be able to enjoy the holidays, have positive memories, and to have as little stress as possible. 

Planning/organization, money, and expectations seem to be the areas that give us the most angst.  How do you do in these areas?  How much do you plan ahead and feel ready once the holidays arrive?  Do you have a Christmas fund so you have the money for the holiday expenses ahead of time?  Do you have realistic expectations when family gets together? Now is the time to take a few moments to make some decisions about how you can make things different in the future.  When you think about it, these really aren't problems exclusive to the holidays.  Planning ahead, having money first then spending is a basic economic principle, and having realistic expectations anytime family is together are true on an everyday basis.  If you would analyze these three areas for yourself, they may also be the areas you want to focus on for 2015.

I will deal with each of these areas in the next three blogs, so your job now is to identify how things went for you over the past holiday season.  Do this now while it’s still fresh in your mind before life “gets in the way” which if it hasn't already, it will soon enough.  People are back to work, the kids are back to school, and the demands for your time are escalating.

In addition, I have one more thing to add to your “to do” list.  If you have not already, I hope you write thank you notes! This is a personal bias of mine, but I feel strongly that we thank people, in a written note, for gifts etc.  That does NOT mean an email!  First and foremost, the people receiving the thank you know you received the gift and even if you were present when the gift was opened that thank you can express gratitude one more time.  It doesn't have to be a book, but take the time to thank people for the gift, the thoughtfulness etc.  No excuses.  And if you're a parent, help your children write their thank you’s.  The young ones can draw a picture or have them add their own special addition.  This is teaching them a life skill that means a lot to people and sends the message of appreciation.  My bias extends to actually handwriting the thank you’s, or at least use a service such as Send Out Cards to send the card for you – they even have a way to use your own handwriting.  That personal touch will mean a great deal to the recipient.  AND the thank you’s include your grown children and parents! 

I wish you a reflective week and a positive mindset!

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