Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Are You Living the Life You Were Meant to Live?

It’s interesting listening to people, of all ages, and the excuses that are used to explain why they don’t pursue their dreams.  They didn't put themselves first – everyone else was more important.  Some were afraid to try as they didn't see themselves good enough.  They’re too old, “it’s too late for me.” They’re not smart enough, they don’t have the money, and the list goes on and on.  Are you willing to look back over your life with regret and not live out the life you were meant to live?  It’s already April 1st 2014!!  Where did January, February, and March go? 

Why don’t we pursue our dreams?  It’s not necessarily age related.  There are 30+ year olds who are already “stuck.”  If you’re in a routine but not living the life you had dreamed of, are you really feeling fulfilled? Or are you accepting the routine as something you just have to live with – it’s your “lot in life.”  Too old?  Is that your rationale for not making a change in your life and not pursuing your dreams?   Julia Childs was 40 years old before she learned to cook and 50 when she had her first TV show?  Then there was KFC’s Colonel Sanders who was 66 when he created his special recipe and started the franchises.  They didn't let age define them, so why are you?  When is it and why is it, that we give up on those dreams we had when we were younger?

One rationale says, life can push people down.  There are so many demands on each of us from our families, to our children, our job, spouse/partner, etc. etc.  The promotion didn't happen, the loan didn't come through, the gas prices and food prices are so high your budget is really being stretched, the day care costs are also going up, time with the kids isn't what it should be, everybody seems to need me, I don’t have time to myself.  Now life just seems to be enduring not really living.  Is that what you thought would happen when you were young and full of dreams?  Sounds depressing.  Is that reality?  True or not, I contend that it’s “all in the eyes of the beholder.”  

Giving up?  Settling?  Blaming everything on one excuse or another?  To me, life doesn't have to be that way, but how do we change?  We were not created to just endure life.  We were all created for greatness, but do YOU believe that?  First of all, what is your focus?  Do you wake up dreading going to work, already upset about the issues you’re going to have to deal with at work, all you can see in the mirror are the dark circles around your eyes, and the same old clothes in the closet?  OR do you wake up thankful for one more day, focusing on what you are grateful for, what you do have;  a loving spouse, healthy children, a job, good friends etc.?

The number one place where we sabotage ourselves is in our own mind.  There’s a recording going on all day filling our head with thoughts of lack, limitations, and negative.  “There are enough people against you, don’t you be against you.”  Change that recording!  Quit the negative self-talk that keeps you pushed down and tuned out.  Instead, change the words you say to yourself and about yourself.  What words would you use to describe your skills and talents?  What makes you special?  By the way, that’s not being arrogant, you’re speaking truth to yourself.  It’s not that you’re better than someone, but you are also NOT LESS than someone.  This means you have to reprogram your thinking.  What you are saying to yourself affects your self-image and therefore your self-confidence.

This is a lot to think about so I’m stopping here.  Your task, if you should accept it, is to think about where you are in your life. Is it where you want to be? Are you really living the extraordinary life you were created to live?  Or are you in the “what might have been?” mentality, or even worse…”I knew I could have/should have, but I didn't even try.”  (Darren Hardy)

I wish you a week of grateful thinking and a positive mindset. 

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