Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Let me ask you a question.  The last three weeks of my blogs have involved taking a strong look at yourself, realizing how valuable you are as a person, and understanding that God put you on this earth for a unique, special purpose.  Have you looked at yourself when it comes to judging others and positively influencing others?  What about living that life you’re meant to live and running your own race?  It is all a journey, it doesn't happen overnight, and you can start ANY time so no excuses. 

Several of us got together the other night for dinner and to say “farewell” to a good friend who has made the decision to move to Florida.  Mike, who’s 53, has gone through many life changes both personally and business wise in the past 18 months and is now ready to open a new chapter in his life.  His dream, for a long time, has been to return to the ocean – check.  His current business has allowed him to transfer so he has a job and income – check.  Some basics are decided but there are a lot of unknowns.  Admittedly, this is a bitter sweet decision as he leaves behind some family members and longtime friends, but the excitement of moving forward, discovering new things and pursuing something new is in his heart.  CONGRATULATIONS, Mike, for pursuing the life you were meant to live, stretching your comfort zone, and willing to take a risk!! 

How many times do we make excuses why we can’t do something, why things don’t get done, why we can’t make a change.  Have you heard or ever used yourself some of these:
·       I don’t have time.
·       I’m too busy.
·       I’m too old.
·       I tried that before and it didn’t work.
·       I just don’t have any luck.
·       It’s easier for ______, it’s just not me.
·       I don’t have the money.
·       Sure I had dreams when I was younger, but then I grew up and life got in the way.

My guess is we have all used most, if not all, of these (and more) at some point in our lives. I would venture to guess, that Mike had several of these excuses why he shouldn't pursue his dream.  But, he didn't get stuck…he’s moving forward. What about you?  Yup, it’s back to that word again – MINDSET.   We don’t have to make a physical move like Mike, but we have to “move.” 

We get comfortable in our routines, it’s easier not to do something, using all our excuses, than it is to be Uncomfortable in order to move forward. Thank you, Mike, for reminding us that we can follow our dreams with no excuses.  Wishing you all the best!

Happy Easter and here’s to “moving” forward.

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