Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Who's the Greatest Hero in Your Life?

Last week, I wished you a week of taking JUST A MINUTE. Did you take the time to list 10 things that bring you happiness? If you haven’t done that yet, do it NOW.

In the past, I have shared several pieces of learning and information from Jim Britt. He is an incredible speaker, trainer, motivator, and author. It’s been more than five years since I've been to one of his trainings, yet his words of wisdom and advice not only have stuck with me, but his action statements are still ones I use today. The Power of Letting Go is incredibly powerful!

I came across something he had posted on FB not too long ago and it struck a chord with me. How often do you compare yourself to others? Maybe it’s body shape or size, maybe it’s the car you drive or the house you live in. Maybe it’s your finances compared to others. Watch any ad on TV or social media, any movie, etc. and you see a beautiful, slim woman or a handsome, “built” male. Even as you are at the pool you're people watching and comparing.

The Bachelor or the Bacheloette has an unbelievable following! How many seasons has it run now? The dates are all in glorious locations; flying on a helicopter to a remote island for a picnic or a romantic dinner on a roof top in Vegas with violin music playing in the background while overlooking the city. Really? I don’t know about you, I’ve never had a date like that and I’ve been married 40 years.

But remember, there are also the clips of the other women back at the house who are not on the date. The in- fighting, the back stabbing, the outright jealousy is beyond crazy, in my opinion.

Jim’s piece started out, “We are all amazed by the movie superstars, who’s the greatest, who’s the best, who has the most. Although we may be mesmerized as we watch them, we are also reminded of all that we are not. We are not good enough. We don’t deserve more. We are not smart enough. We didn’t get the “lucky” breaks.”

Why is it that we have a difficult time looking at ourselves in a positive way? Why is it we spend a great deal of time comparing ourselves and our lives to others? Why is it so difficult to actually celebrate ourselves? I agree with Jim when he states that the “greatest hero in your life is not in the movies, it is YOU.”

The every day, real heroes are the people like YOU who have character and courage to do what needs to be done for your family, your spouse, your children, your friends in need. YOU have an attitude of “do whatever it takes” and YOU make a difference. Your life is carried out with discipline and dignity. There are no props, no stunt doubles, no rehearsals or do overs.

I’m of the belief that YOU are on this planet for a reason that God has designed for you. That reason sometimes eludes us as we go through the motions of getting through a day. That’s one of the reasons why it’s important to make that list of 10 things that make you happy and grateful!! Your work ethic, your service mindset, your support for your friends and family, your do whatever it takes to be the Best You That You Can Be is what a hero looks like to me!

Jim’s advice is that “in the moments that you are not “up” or you are not feeling so great, moments when you feel that everything and everyone is against you, remind yourself of your greatness! YOU are smart enough strong enough. YOU do have the talent and discipline to achieve your dreams. Look within and see just how special YOU are! YOU are truly amazing! Believe this with all your heart!”

I think right now is a time that young people are trying to find their personal meaningful journey, those of us older are continuing to find what that meaning is now that the kids are out of the house and life is different. Each of us has our own perspective, our own dreams and desires, our own journey that we’re taking. The difficulty is not to get caught up in all the glitter and splash. Each person whether a celebrity, a politician, a famous athlete etc. has struggles and challenges. Life is not perfect for anyone.

The common denominator for those who continue to struggle are those you have more excuses than ACTION. Those who continue to blame, complain, and defend their actions (B,C,D) are also those who will never see their own greatness. They will only see the problem, see others who they think have it so easy, and believe they are the ones who never get a break.

What’s your life worth to you? Tough times will pass, don’t be distracted by plateaus and keep your eyes on all the reasons to be grateful! “The only one who won’t write you off is the One above.”

I wish YOU a week of finding a quiet time to reflect on all that YOU do right, all that YOU do that makes a difference in other’s lives, all that YOU do to continue to learn and grow and be the best that YOU can be whatever your age. Take time to celebrate the fact that YOU are the greatest hero in your life!!

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