Tuesday, September 13, 2016

This past week I hope you took time to THINK. Did you set aside time to THINK about what is going well in your life? What do you want to change, or make better, or do more of? Do you find you are willing to THINK outside the box? Do you allow yourself time to THINK creatively, and THINK originally?

Especially in this time of protests about standing or sitting while the National Anthem is being sung, “celebrities” weighing in on their opinions, the news media having their “opinions” versus reporting in a neutral manner, our Facebook “friends” expressing their opinions etc. etc., are you THINKING about YOUR views based on YOUR core beliefs? Or are you going along with a particular viewpoint, but you don’t know WHY? Are you taking a particular stand because that’s what everyone else around you is thinking and you don’t want to rock the boat or “look” different?

In Terrence Woods’ radio show; Before You Go Pro, a couple weeks ago, he had three speakers on to give their reactions to Colin Kaepernick sitting during the National Anthem. It was a great discussion with various viewpoints and ethnic backgrounds of the speakers. Two things stood out to me; one was that each person had an opinion based on their own reality, there was a discussion, and it was a civil discussion. Secondly, the most poignant point that stood out to me was the position of the black educator at a high school when confronted with a student who came into his office who wanted to sit during the National Anthem at one of the upcoming sporting events. This true leader did not take a personal stand, however, asked questions and had a discussion with the student. His key question was to know the student’s WHY. What was the reason for this young man to sit? Did he truly have a reason or was he just following what he saw on TV?

Just by asking the question WHY to someone, no matter what the situation or issue, is the key point to true THINKING! So many of us, especially our iY generation young people, are listening to friends which now has become a “group think” rather than a true examination of a personal belief system, a true core of who we are as an individual.

I ask that everyone who is in a position as a coach, teacher, civic, employer, pastor etc. to take the time to help our young people develop their own core values and to know WHY they believe what they believe. When possible let’s have a dialog with our students, our athletes, and especially our children about their thoughts and learn WHY they feel the way they do. This takes TIME, it takes asking a lot of questions, and it means guiding from a position of neutrality without the interference of our own opinions and judgments. We may not always agree with what they end up with, however, isn’t that part of developing as a person?

We all have people in our sphere of influence who contribute to what we are thinking both positively and negatively. I ask that you THINK about who these people are and what kind of influence you are allowing them to have in your life. 

And just to be clear, it’s NOT just our iY generation! There are an abundance of adults who continue to want to please others which is their main WHY. That, in my personal opinion, is VERY sad and definitely NOT productive. I am a believer that we can all learn and grow starting with our mindset!! THINK! Ask yourself WHY!

The following is from October 14, 2014, “Forging Your Character,” by Jim Rohn,
Personal success is built on the foundation of character, and character is the result of hundreds and hundreds of choices you might make that gradually turn who you are at any given moment into who you want to be. If that decision-making process is not present, you'll still be somebody—you'll still be alive—but you may have a personality rather than a character, and to me that's something very different.

Character isn't something you were born with and can't change, like your fingerprints. It's something you must take responsibility for forming. You build character by how you respond to what happens in your life, whether it's winning every game, losing every game, getting rich or dealing with hard times.
Building your character is vital to becoming all you can be.

I encourage you to THINK! I encourage you to know YOUR WHY in all that you do. After all, as Jim Rohn says, “You must take responsibility for forming your character.”

I wish you a continued week of THINKING and asking yourself the key question of WHY YOU stand for, believe in, and support something no matter what it is.

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