Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Are You a Positive Influencer?

Did you take time this week to evaluate how you’re using your time and how you can consistently focus on taking one step forward to reach your dreams and goals? I hope so!
Once again listening to the comments about our Olympic athletes, another common theme is how they are positively influencing another generation to “go for the gold” in their own lives. What a great and much needed message!

What about you? Do you realize how much you are an influencer of many? I’m not talking about how many likes you have on Facebook, or the number of followers on Twitter, or even the number of people who may work for you. According to John Maxwell, “there are dozens and maybe even hundreds that we influence without even knowing it.” It may be the cashier at the grocery store that you always ask how they’re doing, it may be your hair stylist who you always give a big tip to because she does such a great job. What about the mail lady who brings you a package to your door, and you ask about her children?

John Maxwell used the following quote in the first chapter of his book, Developing the Leader Within You: “There have been meetings of only a moment which have left impressions for life, for eternity. No one can understand the mysterious thing we call influence…yet…every one of us continually exerts influence, either to heal, to bless, to leave marks of beauty; or to wound to hurt, to poison, to stain other lives.”

Have you ever thought about your life in that way? The way you choose to live your life is impacting the people you come in contact with each and every day. WOW!  That’s pretty powerful. As Maxwell references in the quote above, that influence can either be positive or negative.

“Anyone can have a bad day. It happens to all of us. But how many bad days might you cut out of a year if you recognized that you have the ability to make a difference to everyone you meet?” 

Do you believe that you really can “make someone’s day” even in the most brief moments just by giving them eye contact and saying hi? Do you believe you impact someone else’s life when you take time to listen without judging? Do you believe you can impact someone’s life just by giving a smile? After all, it really is a choice of how we decide to live our lives. Do you believe you can choose compliments versus criticism?

John Maxwell says, “When you make it your mission to value people and add value to them, you are planting the seeds for a harvest of positive change.” I would totally agree with him, do you?

If you set the tone with your spouse, your children, and other family members first, you will set the tone for them to influence others in a positive way as well. It’s the ripple effect. I think you will truly be amazed at what will begin to happen.

The next step is to expand that positive influence in other parts of your life. What if you actually let someone in ahead of you during rush hour? What if you were grateful to your server even if the food was just marginal? What if you held a door open for someone or looked behind you before the door closed making sure it wouldn’t slam in someone’s face? It really is the little things that have the biggest influence.

Remember…”There are meetings of only a moment which have left impressions for life, for eternity.”

I wish you a week of reflection on who you have influence on each and every day and how you can be sure it’s a positive influence.

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