Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Who Is Packing Your Parachute?

Thank you to those of you who shared experiences where “you never know when something may change” has been a reality for you too. What makes a difference when the news comes of a loved one’s sudden death, that diagnosis of cancer etc. is the support system surrounding you.  (More on that later.)

I also want to celebrate those of you who have communicated your desire to make health changes for the better and also the number of you who have communicated that you’re making a commitment to continuing your healthy lifestyle!!

My question this week is, “Who’s Packing Your Parachute?” I was listening to a Joel Osteen radio broadcast late last week and this was the question he was asking.  Whether you are in your 20’s, 30’s, or in my case 60’s, there have been a multitude of people who have contributed to where we are in life, those who have helped “pack our parachute.” Our parents, siblings, spouse, teammates, teachers, special friends, church friendships, employers and colleagues, etc. etc. are all a part of making our lives what they are today. 

Some people play an important role for a period of time; they added to our parachute, however, they are no longer in our lives. Some people are in our lives for us to learn a lesson. Instead of the toxic “contributions,” what they end up adding is a new realization and a new learning of what NOT to do. So instead, we “packed our own parachute” with a positive lesson leaving the toxic, negative behind. Then there are also those people who are at our side “through thick and thin,” day after day, year after year no matter what.

We don’t live in isolation. We need people around us for support, for teaching us something new, for love and acceptance.  We need people who will encourage us to be the best we can be, to push us past our own limiting beliefs, to hold us accountable to being our true self. We need people to forgive us when we’ve “messed up” but continue to love us no matter what happened. Our parachutes, in my opinion, are full of life experiences, learning, growing up, and lessons of not only what TO DO but also what NOT to do.

I encourage you to look around and see who is in your life that is helping you pack your parachute.  Who is your cheerleader, your support system, the people that love you unconditionally, the people who make your life easier?  Have you taken the time to thank them?  Have you let them know that you appreciate what they do?  It may just be a verbal thank you, it may be a quick email or text, and it may be flowers sent for no reason. It’s voicing appreciation regularly.  It’s not voicing your appreciation once and think that’s enough. It’s making appreciation a part of your life.

Many people are helping you “pack your parachute” to live a life of being the best you can be. It’s a head football coach at CU thanking the ticket office after a game. He understood the power of saying thank you to all the people “behind the scenes.” Another head coach publicly thanked his wife for taking care of their two young children, and putting up with his very time intensive focus on coaching.  He acknowledged that because she was supporting him, behind the scene, he was able to live his dream. Sending a card to a friend throughout the first year after the loss of their spouse is a way of support. Sometimes it’s just telling your children that you noticed they picked up their toys without being asked.

Each time we acknowledge the people in our lives who are helping us “pack our parachute” of life, we are giving AND receiving at the same time!!  Blessings all around. 

I wish you a week of recognizing and acknowledging those people who are helping you pack YOUR parachute.  I look forward to hearing from you.



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