Tuesday, September 22, 2015

You Just Never Know

Last week, I wished you a week of choosing health as your number one priority for the rest of your life!  This was my challenge to you.  What did YOU choose?  Congratulations if you chose health!!  My hope for you is that if you are still “waffling” making any kind of commitment, then this week’s blog may give you more “food for thought” to choose health.

Although I watch as little TV as possible, except for sports, I couldn’t escape the horrific pictures of the refugees running for their lives with their families. Young children, pregnant women, fathers who knew they must leave their country, their homes, EVERYTHING in order to survive. These refugees are making the toughest of choices.  It’s their lives. They are willing to do whatever it takes.  It’s not their choice, it’s not because they have done anything wrong, it’s the choice of others to not respect the lives of people in their country forcing the innocent to flee for their lives.

In addition, this past week, I have learned of a close family member who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and I went to a memorial service for a 30 year old young woman and granddaughter of friends.  It’s other family members now who are having to deal with the repercussions of what’s happening around them.  It’s the fear of a husband and a son.  It’s the sadness of a grandparent who’s not only lost a grandchild but also now watching their child deal with the death of their child.
It’s not my intent to compare what is happening with the refugees to what is happening to my family and friends.  But what is common is the sadness, the fear of the unknown, the courage to go on, and the challenge to move ahead despite all the adversity.  Why is it that it seems to take extremes and adversity for us to realize that life is short, precious, and we never know when life will change?  For those of us living in America, we take our freedoms for granted. Admittedly, we have a lot to change and do differently; however, we do have so much to be thankful for.

Unlike the refugees, we have a choice.  We can choose health and wellness, we can choose health experts to deal with the cancer, we can choose our own faith and spirituality to deal with the loss of a loved one.  All of these are choices and opportunities that help and support us as we move forward. The various religious beliefs and opportunities to pursue those beliefs are available.  The medical communities whether it be conventional Western medicine, holistic, naturopathic, or a combination of approaches are all available to us.  For these things, I am grateful!

Are you a smoker?  Do you have issues with drugs and alcohol?  Are you overweight?  Do you watch more than 4 hours of TV daily?  Do you find yourself unable to do much of anything physical either because you’re overweight, you’re tired, or both? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the next questions are...Are you married?  Do you have a spouse/significant other? Do you have children? Do you have a job? Do you have friends? 
If you answered yes to any of these questions then WHY HAVEN’T YOU QUIT SMOKING, DRINKING, TAKING DRUGS? WHY haven’t you lost those extra 10, 20, 100+ pounds?  WHY haven’t you committed to walking daily for at least 20 minutes until you can do more?  WHY haven’t you committed to cutting out sugar and junk food?  I know, I know, you’ve tried before, and it didn’t work.  It’s hard etc. etc. EXCUSES, EXCUSES, EXCUSES! 

I would tell you that the real reason is you’re being lazy and selfish. WOW! How’s that for putting it on the table?  If you have a spouse/significant other, children and people that count on you and love you, then if they truly were important, then you would NOT have ANY excuses.  You would do whatever it takes to be healthy!  You would not be satisfied until you are 100% free of the addictions, the extra weight, the lack of energy due to inactivity etc. And if you were unsuccessful with previous tries, you’ll try again.  You’ll find a different support group, a different approach…you will NEVER quit trying to get out of the addictive behavior. 

The refugees fleeing for their lives are willing to do whatever it takes to reach their freedom despite all the dangers.  My family member now facing cancer will do and is doing whatever it takes to get cancer free and healthy once again.  The death of a loved one, especially one so young, is a daily struggle, however, this family will rely on their faith and are looking for ways to make a difference in others’ lives so her death is not in vain.

My challenge to you is that you take a good look at your health…no more procrastinating!  No more excuses! If you can’t do it for yourself, originally, do it for the ones you love. Eventually, you will have to come to terms with the fact that you ARE important to others, you ARE loved, you ARE a special person in God’s eyes.

If you are taking care of yourself, then your commitment is to continue doing what you’re doing. No matter where you are on the continuum of health, I will be there to support you in any way I can. All you need to do is let me know you need help.
I wish you a week of committing to change something in your health. 


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