Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It’s now December 2014, the last month of this calendar year.  Where did this year go?  What were you able to accomplish?  How are you different than 12 months ago?  What have you done to contribute to your own personal development?  Specifically, what books did you read? 

Here are a few of my favorites that are either new reads or ones that I re-read on a regular basis:

1.    The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
2.    Breakout by Joel Osteen
3.    Angel Inside by Chris Widener
4.    The Image by Chris Widener
5.    The Doctor’s Diet by Travis Stork, M.D
6.    Twelve Pillars by Jim Rohn and Chris Widener
7.    Above All Else by Chris Widener
8.    Live the Life You have Always Dreamed Of by Chris Widener
9.    Success magazine – monthly

I’m using this opportunity to get new book titles from you.  In your comments or email me directly with your suggestions.  This way we can share great titles for others to add to their Christmas list or for their 2015 reading list.  I will pass the list along in future logs. 

Personal growth is the foundation for making changes in all areas of our lives so whether it be audio CD’s, Kindle reading, hard back books etc. a focus to learn and grow is a must to make changes in our lives.  I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

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