Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Is there an angel inside you?

Did you take some time this past week to sit down, in a quiet space, and write YOUR personal philosophy?   Granted, without small children demanding my time, I was able to actually find that quiet space.  Although for many of you, who do have those little ones needing you and pulling at your time demands, I would contend that THIS is important for not only you but those little ones.  Knowing yourself and what you believe in is going to be reflected in all that you do.  If you didn't get that chance this past week, take time this week.  

I found the process to be incredibly insightful with some things clear and others made my list that I hadn’t previously verbalized.  I knew, and I wrote it down, that I wanted to be a significant influence and role model especially to my children and grandchildren.  I wanted them to see me “walk my talk.”  The surprise was that I realized I have begun to only judge myself and my actions when I would ask myself the question, “Is this a reflection of God’s image?” That’s now on my list.  My day begins by reading my six principles along with all my gratitude’s.

For me, things are never by chance.  I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason and at the right time.  I may not always agree that the timing is right, but I do believe the timing is right according to God’s time.  I have just finished reading two extremely powerful books by Chris Widener.  The one I'm reflecting on today is called The Angel Inside.  “Coincidentally”, I read this book while reflecting on my personal philosophy.”  

Chris’s book is a book to read over and over again as I found many discoveries the first time through and even more the second.  His style is to weave a life lesson into a storyline that makes the reading easy and relatable.  “According to legend, when a young boy asked the great Renaissance artist Michelangelo why he was working so hard hitting the block of marble that would eventually become his greatest sculpture, David, the artist replied, ‘Young man, there is an angel inside this rock, and I am setting him free’…Chris Widener uses Michelangelo’s words to explore the hidden potential that exists within us all.”

As the story reveals the various lessons, readers begin to learn what Michelangelo’s  work can teach all of us – “the power of following your passion.”
Among the lessons learned include:

*The beauty is in the details
*Your hand creates what your mind conceives
*Every great accomplishment starts with a single swift action
*No one begins by creating the Sistine Chapel

If you want to find true meaning in your work and life, reading The Angel Inside will help you design your personal philosophy AND find that angel inside that is YOU.  Your assignment this week, if you choose to accept this challenge, is to read this book.  I would love to hear your thoughts and reflections.
It has been a glorious few weeks of fall here in Colorado.  Blue skies, cool mornings, in the 70’s during the day, and the trees still brilliant with color.  I wish you a fantastic week.

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