Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Here's to your physical health at any age!

If you don’t have your health, it is difficult to function on a daily basis no matter what age, and the “enemy” is inflammation.  It’s not just the athlete, but it’s the stressed mom with young children, it’s the single parent working several jobs to just put food on the table, it’s the professional doctor, teacher, CPA with high demands and expectations on their time who’s getting little beneficial sleep, it’s the main bread winner working full time but also going back to school at night, and, yes, even our young college students meeting the demands of all the assignments, projects, mid-terms, finals.  All of these examples are people with some level of inflammation. 

According to Dr. Lyndon McGill, chiropractor out of Salem, Oregon, “our bodies are bombarded with pro-inflammatory conditions.  Inflammation is a response; our bodies want to fight this invader.”  There are two types of inflammation.  The first is acute inflammation which is our body’s initial response to an injury or trauma and is a good thing, it can even be life-saving.  However the second type of inflammation is chronic inflammation.  This, on the other hand, is definitely a problem. Too many things are perpetuating this inflammatory response with the result being autoimmune diseases and more.  According to Dr. McGill, “so many people are headed toward dialysis because of the damage to the liver and kidneys due to medications such as prescription meds and over-the-counter anti-inflammatories.”   

Having dealt with rheumatoid arthritis since I was 36 and being on an injection of methotrexate once a week for over 13 years, I've definitely been concerned about the implications for my health long-term.  However, I’m also learning, there are a multitude of reasons our bodies, at ALL ages, are fighting inflammation.  It’s not just that sore shoulder or knee due to over use playing golf or tennis as a recreational sport.  It’s not just the former college/pro athlete who now, later in life, is “feeling the effects.”  It is EVERY ONE of us.  We are surrounded by challenges such as: chemicals in the environment, allergies, migraines, job-related stressors, lack of sleep, lack of good nutrition, high consumption of junk food and junk beverages, joint aches and pains, obesity, and the list goes on and on. 

With all that said, I want to introduce you to a product that has changed my life as well as many others.  Hear me out. DO NOT stop reading.  I am not someone who will bombard others “advertising” products, however, this one is changing lives, its proprietary, clean, and the focus is on reducing chronic inflammation.  What is it?  It’s a small beet capsule called Limitless.  Like a vitamin/mineral benefits us, this small capsule taken two times a day, preferably on an empty stomach serves to strengthen your body and how it functions.  Testimonials range from high school athletes, to my 87 year old mom, to former college and pro athletes, those of us concerned about aging, and also ob/gyn professionals, dentists, and even veterinarians. 

What makes this capsule so powerful?  It contains one ingredient which is a targeted concentration of pure beet root powder containing a superior source of betalain.  The patent-pending process to extract the betalain allows for the purity, zero calories, and zero sugar.  What are the benefits:  *fights fatigue   *fights free-radicals   *promotes joint health   *improves mental alertness   *promotes healthy aging   *reduces chronic inflammation     Did you know there is even a correlation between obesity and inflammation markers?  Not only is there more stress on the joints, but fat cells themselves cause a release of inflammatory markers around the fat cells creating an adverse environment to losing weight. 

The latest “buzz word” is beets.  Even Dr. Oz proclaims that red is the “new green.”  Whether you do or do not like beets will not be an issue as the capsule is tiny and easy to swallow.   In addition, you will receive the benefits of eating 500 beets to get the amount of betalain nutrition in only one Limitless capsule but NO sugar. 

Jon and I have been taking this product for almost two years now, and we will continue with Limitless as part of our daily routine just like taking our vitamin D3 tablet.  There is a 100% money back guarantee if you try this product for 84 days.   We are all about helping people be the best they can be physically and mentally in order to have a high quality of life, and it starts with acknowledging chronic inflammation is a huge problem for all of us at any age.

Here’s to a healthy week.  Message me back if you’d like more information about Limitless.  For those of you who are already taking Limitless, I celebrate your focus on your own health now and in the future!!

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