Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Why is it we see everyone else “perfect,” and we only see our own faults and shortcomings?

We think everyone else has it all together without any challenges in their life. We see ourselves, on the other hand, in such a critical light. Why don’t we have the relationship we think others have? Why can’t we lose weight? Why can’t we have the same financial freedom? The list goes on and on.

Instead of looking at all we DO have, we look at all that we want/don’t have. COMPARING others to ourselves is “deadly.” We are making comparisons NOT based on any actual facts, only what we “think” are the facts. It really comes down to our personal level of confidence or self-esteem.

Rather than spending time identifying our own assets, our own gratitude’s, we allow our focus to be on what we WISH we had. Personally, I think reality shows and shows like The Bachelor or the Bachelorette paint an unrealistic picture of life.

Are there any benefits of comparing ourselves to others? The only thing I can think of is seeing things in a different way that would motivate me to make a change. There are many stories of people who have come from unhealthy and unsafe environments who strive to get out and not follow the same path as other family or friends. We hear stories of men and women, both, who don’t respect themselves enough to think they deserve better allowing themselves to be in unhealthy relationships. We hear stories of young people who are in poorly run schools that want a better education and find a way to get to a better school for a better education. These are good reasons to compare ourselves to others.

What’s the common theme for those who have overcome difficulties?  Well-known leaders in personal development say, “If you want something different in your life, you have to DO something different.” That means CHANGE. These stories all reflect a willingness to change and they took ACTION to change. The other common theme is that these people have confidence and enough self-esteem to believe that they DO deserve better, and they take ACTION. The big question is…Are you living the life that God meant you to live and if not, why not?

Take a minute and think about this. Are you taking care of yourself physically? Are you taking care of yourself emotionally? Are you taking care of your finances? Are you taking care of your relationships with a significant other? Are you taking care of your spiritual life?
When you answer these questions are you thinking about YOU or are you looking at what you wish was the case? Are you being honest with yourself or are you avoiding something because it’s too painful or it seems to be unfixable or it seems to be unattainable?

In The Power of Being Thankful book, I read the daily entry and I re-read several entries from previous days because the message is one I need to read continuously as a reminder. I want to share one of these in hopes it can help you take a step forward to becoming the best YOU that YOU can be…

April 2nd  Living with Confidence  “A person without confidence is like an airplane sitting on a runway with empty fuel tanks. The plane has the ability to fly, but without some fuel, it’s not getting off the tarmac. Confidence is our fuel. Our confidence gets us started and helps us finish every challenge we tackle in life. Without confidence we will live in fear and never feel fulfilled. Confidence allows us to face life with boldness, openness, and honesty. It enables us to live without worry and to feel safe. It enables us to live authentically. “

“When we know who we are in God, we don’t have to pretend to be somebody we’re not because we are secure in who we are---even if we’re different from those around us. Confidence allows us to live peaceful, joy-filled lives.”

Two final questions. One, if you’re not seeing yourself in a confident way, what are you going to do to change that? What ACTION are you willing to take? Second, is your lack of confidence/self-esteem because you compare yourself to others and don’t really know all YOUR own incredible talents and assets? What ACTION are you willing to take to make a change?

Book Suggestion: The Power of Being Thankful by Joyce Meyer

Quote:  “Work on being in love with the person in the mirror who has been through so much but is still standing.”

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