Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Let Tomorrow Happen Tomorrow

Last week, I wished you a week of reflecting on the people in your life and how you can honor and support them now. I also wished you a week of reflecting on how you are adding value to your own life and those around you. How did you do on both of those? The take away is to NOT be afraid to be the unique, special person that God created you to be.
I’ve mentioned Jim Britt many times in previous blog messages. He’s an amazing individual, author, speaker, presenter, and has had a huge influence in my life. This past week I read something he had posted on FB which I want to share with you. It was timely and hit home for me.
“Do you realize how many people in the world are complaining about how bad things are right now? Do you realize how many people are wasting their time on unproductive actions right now? Do you realize how many people have given up on their dreams in life? Do you realize how many people right now are satisfied with mediocrity and have no interest in improving their life?”
That was the first paragraph in Jim’s entry. WOW! Those are powerful questions. What about you? Do you fit into one, two, or maybe even all of those categories? It’s so easy to get caught up into what is happening in the world around us. It’s easy to think that we’re so busy yet when taking stock on actually what actions helped move us forward there were very few. It’s amazing to me the number of people who are numb to what’s going on around them and don’t make a change to improve their lives.
I heard a powerful speaker this past weekend. Michael Jex is originally from the east side in the Bronx. He showed pictures of where he grew up. It was a tough neighborhood; the apartment where he lived looked out onto the tracks of the train that screeched by every 5 minutes, drug dealers were in the basement of the complex, there were bars on the shop windows, and gun shots were heard on a fairly regular basis. It wasn’t until his girlfriend came by and asked him if he heard the loud noise of the train that he realized he had become numb to all his surroundings, and he was only in his middle 20’s.
Michael admitted he struggled for a long time to find his purpose in life. He worked at a variety of jobs but nothing was helping him move ahead but to only stay where he was. It wasn’t until an opportunity came to him that he decided he had to do something different in his life for anything to change. Now he uses his success to add value to people’s lives and help them reach for a life they never dreamed of ever having.
All weekend, I heard similar stories like Michael's. I talked to people who were sick and tired of being sick and tired. I heard people who were filling their mind with positive, character building books. I heard people committing to being a better father, mother, grandparent, and spouse. I heard, all weekend, people focusing on helping and serving others.  It wasn’t just talk. People were taking action in their lives by reading good books, working out, eating the right, healthy foods, attending seminars on how to be good with finances, and so much more.
Right now I want to say thank you to each of you who has clicked on my blog link and committed your time and energy to improving something in your life just by reading something like this. In Jim’s message he continues with, “Do you realize how unique you are that you’re committed to improving and being your best? Do you realize that your commitment to a better life will soon inspire your family, friends, strangers, and future generations to also be inspired? Do you realize how IMPORTANT you will be to somebody, somewhere, very soon? It could even be the very next person you meet.
Stop waiting for a certain event or condition to happen for you to become great. BE GREAT TODAY!! Tomorrow will happen tomorrow. Focus on RIGHT NOW. Focus on TODAY.  Focus on what will bring you results…TODAY!!”  Realize how successful you are…feel it deep down inside. Do you truly want to be The Best YOU that YOU can be?
Michael Jax took advice from something Dr. Phil said, “Choose to close the book instead of just turning the page.” Michael realized he had become numb to the toxic people surrounding him; he had become numb to the toxic things he was hearing and seeing. He was just turning the page. He decided to make a choice just like each of us can make a choice. He closed that book and started a new one.
What changes do you need to make in your life in order to live each and every day with happiness and love in your heart? The first step is to fill your mind with positive, empowering books to help guide you. Audio tapes, Kindle, good old fashion books from the book store are all easy to access. If you haven’t read The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon go get that book NOW. If you have read the book, commit to re-reading it! Nothing will change if don’t make a change and live your life for TODAY!
I wish you a week of finding a book that will help you learn and grow in an area of your life that you feel you need to pay attention to right now. I encourage you to not turn the page in the book of lack but instead find a new book and focus on ABUNDANCE.

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