Tuesday, May 5, 2015

All Our Souls are the Same Color

Did you make a decision to do one of the ideas listed last week to help increase your energy?  Maybe you had a different idea but you still committed to the 30 days.  After the first week, how did you do?  Remember to keep track and write it down.  We think we’ll remember, but that’s not usually the case in the long run.  Plus, according to Zig Ziglar, and many others, the written goal is much more powerful and has a much higher chance of happening when it’s written down.

On Facebook, I shared a powerful visual of many different colored arms with the caption, “God created our skin tones with beautiful variety, but all our souls are the same color.”  That particular image truly spoke to me especially in light of all that’s happened the past few months from Ferguson, to Baltimore, to Texas, and even here in one of our own Boulder middle schools.  We can focus all our energy (there’s that word again) on how awful our world is and all the negatives.  I am not taking any of these incidences lightly, which are only a microcosm of everything else happening around the world, but I also am of the viewpoint that I can only deal with my world.  With this perspective, I am writing from my heart today. “All our souls are the same color.”

I am one person as are each of you.  I choose to believe that in my own little way, I can make a difference and have an impact.  Take a step back and view your “sphere of influence.”  Who does that include?  A spouse, partner, or significant other?  Children?  Grandchildren?  Parents?  Siblings?  Other relatives?  Neighbors?  Friends?  Organizations you belong to?  Colleagues?  You get the picture...our sphere of influence is wide spread.  With that in mind, what are the values you stand by?  What is your belief system in all areas of your life?  What are you teaching your children and grandchildren about life and about how to treat others?  Do you walk your talk?  Do you have a particular view about religion, race, ethnic backgrounds, education, sexuality, economic levels etc.?  Once again that list can go on and on. That saying may also read, “All our souls are the same.”  

In my mind, we are all human beings and deserve to be treated in a respectful manner!  Respect, appreciating differences, not being judgmental, and having conversations to learn are all in our control.  We can start each day with our own prayer of, “Today is a day full of abundance and blessings,” then end each day reflecting on all the blessings and all the abundance.  Let’s see a ripple effect of our intentions to celebrate differences rather than be afraid, let’s celebrate and acknowledge differences without judgment.  We can have our own opinions, we can share those with others in a respectful way, with the focus to listen, learn, grow, and be respectful.  You never know when your words will have an impact on those around you.  It may be MANY years later when we read something or someone shares an unforgettable time, a special memory.  Our children and our grandchildren are watching our “every move,” they hear all the conversations (even the ones we think they didn't hear), the tone of our voice, they see our choices, they recognize when our words and actions don't match, and they are little “mini me’s.” 

What are you doing each day to send out a “ripple effect” with the message, “All our souls are the same color,” and “All our souls are the same?” 

In light of Mother’s Day this Sunday, I want to wish all the Mother’s a very special day!  I’m fortunate to still have my mom, Mary Jean Tilden, still on this earth and count her as one of my blessings each day.  Whether you know your mother or not, whether your mother is alive or not, whether you have a relationship with your mother or not, no matter your story, your mother did give you life, and for that count your blessings. 

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