Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness

Have you ever thought about how frustrating it is that our Congress can’t work together, there seems to be so much violence in the world, there’s nothing positive on the news, our children and grandchildren have so much more to deal with than we did when we were their age.  Yes, all that is true, however, I go back to one of my beliefs…what you focus on expands.  So I choose to look for the good, I choose to not watch a lot of news, I choose to make a difference in my own corner of our planet, and I choose to focus on abundance and blessings. 

In the past week, I have learned about an organization called ARK, Acts of Random Kindness.  What’s interesting is how this organization began…one person can make a difference!
In December of 2012, Alex Radelich was sitting in his dorm room at Purdue University after finishing an exhausting week of final exams. In an attempt to wind down after the long semester, he flipped on the television and began watching Evan Almighty, which is a movie starring Steve Carell and Morgan Freeman that gives a comedic Hollywood twist to the story of Noah’s Ark. There is a point in the film in which Steve Carell asks “How can we change the world?”, to which Morgan Freeman, who is playing the role of God, replies, “One act of random kindness at a time.” It was this cheesy, yet somewhat profound movie scene that inspired Alex to make a change.” What followed next was, “Alex then sold some personal belongings, ordered some ARK cards, and started a website aimed at creating a community of people dedicated to spreading kindness. As all of this was happening, a team began to form. A team of four close friends bent on impacting the world through kindness. And, just like that, ARK Project Now was born.”

How awesome is this? 

Their mission is “to inspire an epidemic of kindness in our society. In order to work towards accomplishing this goal, we want to get 6,000 pledges of kindness as part of our “Just Do One” campaign. The “Just Do One” campaign was launched as a way for people to commit to performing an Act of Random Kindness, either daily, weekly, or monthly. Since one Act of Random Kindness has the potential to change the world, just imagine what 6,000 could do.”  What an exciting way to make a difference in our world and so easy to do! 

”We truly believe that one act of kindness, no matter how small, has the potential to change the world. Because of this core belief, we have made it our mission to perform of Acts of Random Kindness and recruit others to do the same. Acts of Random Kindness, or “ARKs” can include anything from purchasing coffee for a stranger, providing meals for the homeless, or going out of your way to hold the door for someone. Even something as simple as a smile has the potential to make someone’s day better. After performing an Act of Random Kindness, we encourage “ARKers” to leave behind an ARK card, which urges the recipient to pay it forward. This sets off a chain reaction and creates a cycle of kindness that impacts people we may never even meet.”

You've heard about the people who pay for someone else’s coffee or the woman in line realizing the mother in front of her was having to put back diapers since she didn't have enough money.  That woman stepped up and bought the diapers.  How often do you see something that you could make a small difference if you did an act of random kindness?  What if we were teaching our children and grandchildren to do the same thing?   We can teach them to look around and see where they could make a difference in someone’s life.  What about including another child who’s by themselves on the playground to come play?  Or sit with someone at lunch who always seems to be alone?  We can model that behavior and encourage others to make a difference.  If you’re interested in reading more about this organization, click on the link below:

Imagine our world with this mindset?  One young college student started this project and now there are people all around the world participating.  It’s the little things. It’s the things you do without expecting any recognition and often it’s done anonymously.  It’s making a difference in someone else’s life which has the potential of making a difference in our world.

What can you do this week to make a difference in someone else’s life?  Begin today.  I’d love to hear your story.  Email me with the details.  I wish you a wonderful last week of July!

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