Tuesday, April 24, 2018


I want to share a story of an amazing young woman who is the epitome of someone with a never give up attitude. She also happens to be my niece! Jess has dealt with dyslexia most of her life and was given a medical diagnosis to that fact around the age of 12. Despite this challenge, this didn’t stop her from not only graduating from a private Christian High School, without educational support, but also went on to graduate from KSU. That’s a great accomplishment yet not even half of her story.

After college, Jess went on to work for Kansas Senator Moran in DC for a couple years before deciding to change the direction of her life. She returned to Wichita with a new goal in mind.  She wanted to go to med school to become a doctor. To begin that new journey, she first had to go back to college as she did not have the science courses needed to even be able to apply to med school.

For the next three years, she lived at home and went on to take chemistry and physics classes, calculus and who knows what else. During this time, Jess learned her strengths in how to study when it came to numbers and formulas. She was getting A’s in her classes, she was mentoring some of the younger students, and she graduated with another college degree!!

During her time at Wichita State, she was given a variety of opportunities to be on panels, she worked part time for a doctor, as well as in a clinic and continued to gain first hand experience in addition to all the classroom work.

Now it’s time to study for the MCAT’s. Jess studied 8-10 hours a day for months, met with study groups, and did whatever she could do to be ready for the tests. She took the test and had to wait for over a month to get the results. Unfortunately, her scores were too low to even be able to apply to any med school.

Ok, now what? Jess decided she needed to take a a biochem class that had been on the test, but she had not had the class. Now, enrolling in another class at Wichita State was necessary with the goal to retake the MCAT test. More money, more time, more studying.
Second time taking the test…she didn’t pass. Despite all the blocks in the road, despite the time, money, and frustration, Jess took time to rethink her path but NOT her ultimate goal of going to med school.

There were many suggestions and talks with family about needing accommodations when taking the test. She had to humble herself and ask for help. That, in itself, was a process. First, Jess had to spend more money to be re-tested by a doctor to prove that she did have dyslexia. (It turned out it was the same doctor who tested her when she was 12.) As we know, dyslexia is not something you outgrow. Her scores were almost the same as the first time.

Now to submit the results to those in charge of the MCAT’s. They could decide, despite any doctor’s recommendation, to not make any accommodations or they could decide on a variation of time allotments. It was their decision. They would let Jess know but there was no time line as to when that would be. Wait! Wait! Wait! Keep studying, keep studying, keep studying!

Good News! Jess was given 50% more time which was her medical doctor’s recommendation. Now she could take the four tests with additional time. Great news. It wasn’t that she didn’t know the material, it was all about her ability to read all the material and then be able to respond. Now, it’s time to take the MCAT’s for the 3rd time!! Another year and a half has passed by.

Fast forward to the results from the 3rd time. Yes, the scores were better, but she was still on the edge of getting into a medical school. More money…send out applications to medical schools and WAIT. She ended up with two schools giving her an interview. That’s a step forward. There was some thinking of Plan B like going to nursing school, but the dream was still in her heart.

One rejection and one “we’ve put you on the wait list”. WAIT. Keep praying, keep busy, and see what God has in store. At this point, Jess is almost 30 years old, she’s working, doing some traveling, and decided to take a Pharmacology class that was of interest and might be helpful.

Think about this. Almost 8 years after graduation from KSU and two years of working, a dream was determined to be her truth. More school, more money needed, more focus and time, more tests, more, more, more…even before you can begin to apply to medical schools.

Would you have quit by now? Would you have given up on your dreams? Would you have listened to the naysayers who said this must not be what God wanted you to do…look for something else. Would you have spent more time coming up with excuses…blaming the fact that you have dyslexia so that’s why you didn’t succeed?

NOT JESS! It’s my opinion that she was tested many times for a reason. She will be an incredible doctor with a heart and passion for helping others. She is a WINNER!

Two days ago, she was called from the school in Auburn offering her a spot in their newest class which reports July 15th! Dr. Jess Adams! Sounds fantastic to me.

“Pray that God will strengthen you during your waiting period. Pray that you will have the grace to wait with a thankful attitude.”

“God’s timing is perfect, we can trust Him in the waiting period.”

We can all learn from this almost 30-year-old who had a dream that was not to be denied. She is a role model for me, and I’m blessed she is my niece!

“When people try something, but are unsuccessful, one of the primary reasons they give up is that they feel like ‘a failure.’ The truth is we are never a failure unless we give up. Failure is like fuel for greater determination and success in the future.”

CONGRATULATIONS, Jess! Your new journey is about to begin. Love you!

BOOK SUGGESTION: Extreme Ownership – How U.S. Navy Seals Lead and Win by Jacko Willink and Leif Babin

Quote: Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. Harriet Beecher Stowe

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