Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Are You Running YOUR Race?

How did you do this past week as far as paying attention to a healthy mindset of acceptance and a daily dose of learning and growing? 

Here's my question to you this week....Are you running the race that’s “designed’ for you?

That’s an interesting question.  I hadn’t thought about this until I heard a message from Joel Osteen.  He referenced an SUV and a race car each designed for a specific “race.”  The SUV has the capacity to hold 8 people, lots of luggage, is high above others to see the traffic better, and is a comfortable ride.  The race car, on the other hand, holds only one person, definitely no room for luggage, is low to the ground, and isn’t built for comfort and luxury.  How would that SUV do on a race track?  Obviously, not good at all.  What about the race car driving through traffic or on a long trip across the country?  

The SUV has its own purpose and is successful in the right environment.  The same is true for the race car.  Each has its own purpose and is successful in the right environment. Either vehicle is going to be "frustrated" and won’t “fit in” in the other’s environment. 

What’s my point?  Are you going through life using YOUR talents and skills that make you who you are and why you are special? Or are you watching others and focusing on the life you wish you had? Sometimes that wishing is in your own head and other times it’s verbalized to someone else. 

Have you ever found yourself comparing your size and shape with others?  Why can’t you lose that extra 10 pounds?  You work out and watch what you eat, but your best friend seems to be able to eat anything and doesn’t exercise.  Maybe it’s comparing your home or car and wishing you had something different.  Have you ever had thoughts that you are the one that works hard, you’ll help others when they need it, however, that same support isn’t there from others?  So do you change and not help because you feel like you’re being taken for granted?  We are not really free to totally run that race we’re designed to run, until we are comfortable and happy with who we are. It’s not about competing with others.  That only brings frustration.

So, how do we know if we’re running the race that we’re designed to run?  Personally, I think it’s part of life’s journey which means working more on ourselves in order to be the best we can be.  That’s the key.  In order for us to “win that race” comparing ourselves to others isn’t the focus nor will it ever make us happy. 

Are you aware of the number of times you focus more on what you don’t have or what you wish you could do like others?  I wish I could sing like Celine Dejion or Martina McBride, however, that’s NOT ever going to happen no matter how hard I practice or how much I want it.  I listen to speakers and wish I could find the words to say what they say in the way they say it.  I might be able to work on that and get better, but I will not be the one traveling around the country speaking.  

So what are your strengths and talents? When you take the time to know those then you will know that you're on the right track. That means YOU are running the race that is YOUR RACE.

I encourage you to focus on YOUR strengths and talents and run YOUR race.  Don’t wait for other’s approval.  Use YOUR gifts to learn and grow.  Know that YOU have all the gifts YOU need! 

I wish you a week of identifying your strengths and talents! I wish you a week of recognizing the importance of running your own race.


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