Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

I want to take this opportunity, a few days early, to wish all the Moms a very special Mother’s Day. I hope you take time to reflect on all the many blessings you have in your life starting with YOU.  

“Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.

My mom, at age 86, is the mother of four, grandmother of 7, and great-grandmother of 4. She is the mom that I watched raise the four of us with 9 years between myself and my youngest sister. Growing up she was involved in all our activities, was the PTA president at our elementary school, supported my dad in his law career, always encouraged us to be the best we could be without limitations, and was a role model for us that we can do anything we set our mind to.  There were no excuses, no blame, just pure hard work with a “get it done” attitude. I realize my list making and organizational skills, among other things, are all because I watched her.  Even to this day, as I was with her for five days closing down her home in Florida, her list was out, and she was focused on what she needed to do. 

Now my children are grown and have their own children.  I am so very proud of Elsa, Amanda, and Michelle.  Each in their own special way, they each exemplify the essence of motherhood.  I watch them give their children life skills, cheer their independence, teach them respect and manners, and guide them as they make mistakes with loving correction.  Each of them is a role model for their children, focus on giving them a variety of learning experiences, and give them opportunities to try new things.  All of this with love!

My six grandchildren are young, ages 8 to now a new born. They’re just beginning this journey called life.  I am so proud to see these young moms, my daughters, take on THE most important job - raising their children, my grandchildren.

“A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary.
by: Dorothy Canfield Fisher


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