Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

Having been “gone” for a couple weeks celebrating the first birthday of our grandson, Zane, watching the dance recital of his older sister, then celebrating the birth of our granddaughter, Nyelle, it is now Memorial Day weekend.  Because of this great country and those men and women who have fought for our freedom, I am a woman who is free to make my own choices and each of my four granddaughters and two grandsons will grow up in a country that stands for freedom.  For this, we are all blessed and for this I say THANK YOU to all our fallen military on this Memorial Day, May 26, 2014.
Not knowing much about this holiday we celebrate year after year, I wanted to know more.  From the History Channel, “Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day borne out of the Civil War.”  It was the desire to honor those who lost their lives fighting in the Civil War.  May 30, 1868, General John Logan officially proclaimed this date, and New York was the first state to recognize the holiday in 1873.  By 1890, Decoration Day was recognized by all the Northern states.  The South, however, refused to acknowledge this date and preferred to honor their dead on separate days.  After WW1, the holiday changed from honoring only those who died in the Civil War to honoring all Americans who died fighting any war.  The name changed from Decoration Day to Memorial Day.
In 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act which established Memorial Day to be the last Monday in May in order to create a three-day weekend for federal employees.  This change went into effect in 1971 and the law declared Memorial Day as an official, federal holiday.
“In 1915, while reading Ladies' Home Journal, an overseas war secretary named Moina Michael came across the famous World War I poem, "In Flanders Fields" by John McCrae, which begins, "In Flanders fields the poppies blow/ Between the crosses, row on row." Moved, she vowed always to wear a silk poppy in honor of the American soldiers who gave up their lives for their country. She started selling them to friends and co-workers and campaigned for the red flowers to become an official memorial emblem. The American Legion embraced the symbol in 1921, and the tradition has spread to more than 50 other countries, including England, France and Australia.” (History Channel)
Shortly before Memorial Day in 1922, the VFW became the first veterans’ organization to nationally sell poppies.”  You can now find our disabled vets selling the artificial poppies. 
I hope you have a safe and blessed Memorial Day full of family, fun, good bbq, picnics, and laughter.  I hope you also take a moment to reflect on the essence of why we celebrate this special day whether you honor past loved ones with flowers on a gravesite or you take time to thank a current military person and their family.  Be a proud American and fly your flag and watch this video:

Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

I want to take this opportunity, a few days early, to wish all the Moms a very special Mother’s Day. I hope you take time to reflect on all the many blessings you have in your life starting with YOU.  

“Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.

My mom, at age 86, is the mother of four, grandmother of 7, and great-grandmother of 4. She is the mom that I watched raise the four of us with 9 years between myself and my youngest sister. Growing up she was involved in all our activities, was the PTA president at our elementary school, supported my dad in his law career, always encouraged us to be the best we could be without limitations, and was a role model for us that we can do anything we set our mind to.  There were no excuses, no blame, just pure hard work with a “get it done” attitude. I realize my list making and organizational skills, among other things, are all because I watched her.  Even to this day, as I was with her for five days closing down her home in Florida, her list was out, and she was focused on what she needed to do. 

Now my children are grown and have their own children.  I am so very proud of Elsa, Amanda, and Michelle.  Each in their own special way, they each exemplify the essence of motherhood.  I watch them give their children life skills, cheer their independence, teach them respect and manners, and guide them as they make mistakes with loving correction.  Each of them is a role model for their children, focus on giving them a variety of learning experiences, and give them opportunities to try new things.  All of this with love!

My six grandchildren are young, ages 8 to now a new born. They’re just beginning this journey called life.  I am so proud to see these young moms, my daughters, take on THE most important job - raising their children, my grandchildren.

“A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary.
by: Dorothy Canfield Fisher