Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Power of Reflection

Hello my dear friends. It has now been about seven weeks since I wrote last. As I stated on January 10th, I’ve been using this time for a deeper reflection into my goals and plan of action to make 2018 THE best year yet. I have gone back and reviewed my own thinking over the past two years with many ah ha moments, many celebrations, and also many areas to continue working on with more focus.

Thanks to Byron Schrag, a mentor of ours in our business, challenged many of us to establish a new and consistent routine that included: (1) beginning the day with a list of gratitudes, (2) write out on 3X5 cards affirmations, (3) read something from the Bible, and (4) read for 30 minutes in a personal development book. In addition, I added reading the daily entry from a book called The Power of Being Thankful by Joyce Meyer and writing down my thoughts in a notebook when there was something I needed to get down on paper. That was not a daily activity only when I felt a need to write and reflect.

To hold myself accountable, I made up a chart listing each action and then the date. This started on January 8th and I’m still going. I found that I have gone every day since the beginning with each of the actions listed above except for reading the 30 minutes each day. I missed two days without reading and there were 3 days of reading only 15 minutes. As with most things, habits come around the 21-day mark, and I must admit that I now look forward to this quiet time each day. It’s usually the time after working out, eating breakfast, and getting ready for the day. Sometimes it’s later because of a morning commitment. What’s interesting is that I find myself making sure that these all get done each day even if it means staying up a little later.

During this time, there have been far more days with positive thoughts and actions and much fewer days of questioning my purpose. I think that’s because my mindset is stronger and with Byron’s encouragement and support. I have been able to keep my emotions more level with fewer roller coaster times. My mindset has become stronger, I think, because of the daily activities I have set up on a consistent basis.

There are a couple entries in the Power of Being Thankful book which I read every day beside the daily entry. Here are a few I want to share; you can decide if they have any meaning for you:

January 14th “If we are impatient, the situations we encounter in life will certainly cause us to react emotionally…Getting upset will not make this go any faster, so I might as well enjoy the wait.”

January 21st “It is very important to focus on the right things…Whatever we focus on becomes magnified in our minds…Instead of meditating on our problems, we would be wise to meditate on God’s word.”

January 23rd “Everyone needs a blessing. We all need to be encouraged, edified, complimented, and appreciated. And you have the ability to bless others. Be thankful that God not only blesses you, but that He has made YOU a blessing. We all get weary at times and need other people to let us know that we are valuable and appreciated…Remember, everyone needs a blessing—even the successful people who appear to have everything. When you live to meet needs and encourage those around you, you will find ‘joy unspeakable’ in the process.”

Feb. 9th “We all fight battles and face the temptation to stop fighting and just give up, but commitment is the thing that enables us to resist that temptation…When you fiercely commit to God’s purpose for your life, you will begin to experience all that He has for you.”

There are several others, however, you can get a flavor for what this daily reading has done to contribute to a more consistent and positive mindset.

With our country and even our world in such a challenging time, this short respite has given me a chance to reassess where I want to put my time, energy, and focus. I think one of my main purposes on this earth is to learn, grow, and expand myself in order for me to make a difference in other people’s lives. Each day I ask myself, “What can I do to add value to someone today?” and “What can I do to make myself more valuable today?” At the end of the day before going to bed, I have a time of gratitude for things that day, and I answer those two questions.

I plan to continue to write my blogs once again at least twice a month. If you are still wanting to be a part of this email list, you will not need to do anything. If you are not wanting to receive them, there is an unsubscribe link.

My focus with each blog is to: (1) share personal stories and reflections which you will hopefully find at least one or two nuggets to apply to your own life, (2) have a positive mindset of encouragement, and (3) at times challenge you.

Book Suggestion: The Image by Chris Widener

Quote: “Capacity is a state of mind. How much we can do depends on how much we think we can do. When you really believe you can do more, your mind thinks creatively and shows you the way.”

I wish you time for your own reflection.